Job Board Software

EvanEvan New
edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone know of some free Job Board software, something I can install and allow people to post jobs they are looking for.

Also, something for classified ads, though I'm not entirely certain if they would be something different or if it would be the same application that would handle such a thing. Thanks.


  • What about a category set up in Vanilla?

    Jobs could be posted in public and applications could be Whispered?

    Change the language from "Whisper your comments to (optional)" to "Apply for this job in confidence".
  • I was wondering if I could get something like that done, but no, ideally, something like
  • Apart from the layout which might take some CSS expertise, I don't see why you can't achieve that conceptually in Vanilla.
  • I think you're right man. I just saw this and maybe you're right. Thing is, I have no idea how to implement anything like this, I'd have to sit down, work out how I want the site to work and then get someone to do it for me, how much could that cost? If anyone has an idea that is.
  • Anyone? :D
  • edited August 2006
    I don't see why you can't set up a category and then allow each person to add a discussion item for the job they are looking for. It seems king of simple to do, unless I'm missing something.
  • I've been up til about 2, couldn't sleep, giving it a lot of thought, I think Vanilla could be used as a framework for what I want to do, but in its current form I'm not too sure. Is there a way to allow people to make payments, limit the number of times people can post? So they can pay to make a single post maybe? Something like that?
  • edited August 2006
    Sounds like what you want is a pay-as-you-go posting board for classifieds. You should probably check the addons that are available and see if any exist that could help. You might be able to use the buy-a-drink extension to somehow tie to the creation of a discussion item.
  • "Is there a way to allow people to make payments, limit the number of times people can post? So they can pay to make a single post maybe? Something like that?" how would they pay? credit card\ bank transfer \ sms
  • Well I'm not in the US, paypal is not an option, and I really am not sure how they would pay via the internet, not sure. Let's assume they come in to a physical place to pay, maybe?
  • I'm in Australia, PayPal is a great way to accept payments, certainly the cheapest and easiest way, just getting something set up now, will point you to it when it's done.
  • I can't use Paypal - I'm in the Caribbean :)
  • i get like... 5 spams a day, one to each email address, and none of them have any relationship to my paypal account, which is hooked up to another email address that gets NO email from paypal, spam or real. so, i don't use paypal, and most likely, will never use paypal again.
  • Ok, garvin, that was confusing.
  •  Quote: Evan  I'm in the Caribbean :)
    Half your luck!
  • Hehe, yeah, my advantage is I'm not competing with any American markets with what i want to do, and I just want to do this as a project, not looking at money ATM, looking to provide a service, test out our eSector or its potential at least. This is a whole lot of work it's looking like. Nothing to copy the functionality of or ? :(
  • translation: i signed up for paypal about 4 years ago. after i signed up for one, i started getting spam from them, then what turned out to be the new craze in those phishing sites, etc. i have 5 email accoutns and each day they get at least one from paypal. the only email address that does not get the spam is the account attached to my paypal account. but because of the lack of security, and that it openly spams (or openly allows other companies to pretend to be them in order to spam) the hell out of people, i do not use paypal. its annoying. hope that's better for you. i think i remembered to add subjects and other important context clues.
  • Oh ok, how you put it before just confused me.
  • garvin - you do realise, I assume, that it's really really easy to fake a 'from' email address in an email? Paypal dont 'allow other companies to pretend to be them', they just would have a hell of a time doing something about it...
  • *bump*

    how is your pay-as-you-go Job Board progressing ?
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