Draft comments and fixing broken back buttons

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I upgraded to v1.01 the other day and as a side effect the attachments extension prevented my users from creating new topics. now i'm not having a dig at that extension at all but as you can imagine people weren't best pleased to type out a nice long topic and then only to lose it when the error came up upon submitting it. it got me thinking... would it be possible to have an extension that would auto save the user's post into a draft. much like gmail does so well. if it is successfully posted the draft is automatically removed, else it remains for the user, safe and sound.


  • edited August 2006
    Normally browsers should cache forms. If something doesn't post successfully you should be able to just go back and your post will be intact. I don’t know why this doesn’t work with Vanilla, seems like an AJAX issue (reason why GMail autosaves). There was a notes extension in the past. Not the same as drafts, but it functioned like it. I don’t know what happened to it though. Probably lost in the v1 update. It could probably be expanded to autosave posts as drafts.
  • edited August 2006
    …seems like an AJAX issue…
    — takai
    It is. It takes some extra consideration in order to make your browser think there was a page load, rather than just JavaScript updating the content dynamically.
  • i dont think vanilla uses ajax to submit a post. from what i understand the back button doesn't work like normal because the headers for vanilla are set to not cache. the advantage of this is that you can use the back button to return to the discussions and not be shown a cached page still showing the discussion you just read as 'unread'. obviously it means if you have attempted to post a topic/reply and you hit back, you don't get your cached version of the form with all your text in it.
  • can anyone confirm this?
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