Where do stickies come from ?

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
what file does it get generated from, I don't believe its an extension, am trouble shooting why "make sticky" works on one installation and not the other


  • When a Daddy and a Mommy discussion get together and they really love each other, or want a cheap thrill........
  • New
    edited September 2006

    Krak took the words out of my mouth
  • ha ha you so funny, i picked that title especially because I knew someone would say someting, human beings are so predictable ;-) I couldn't think up a better title hmmm what file does stickies get birthed out of ?
  • The word "Sticky" is located in the language/English/definitions.php file. You can create your own language definitions in conf/language.php. Just copy the "Sticky" definition to the conf/language.php file and change the name. Voila!
  • I think he means where is the code that makes the database changes that makes the discussion stick, jazzman. I'm guessing it's one of the ajax/js files?
  • well i'm trying to figure out why the side link - make this discussion sticky works on one install but not on another
    may have to compare files ?
  • local install or remote? could be something as measly as being uploaded in ASCII or binary.

    (not saying you didn't have the appropriate box checked, ftp browsers are not perfect.)
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