Chatbox 0.9 by KRAK_JOE

edited September 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have tried to download this but the file I get is neither a zip or a php file. I have tried to open it in Notepad but got gobbledygook. Is there more than one file? Could someone just post the script please? Thanks


  • That's because it's a .rar compressed archive. You're going to want something that can open up .rar archives like 7-zip or winrar. Grab a copy of 7-zip since it's free and will open up just about any archive you encounter from this point on :
  • Thanks lech, will do.
  • That worked a treat! chatbox up and running :-)
  • I thought I may as welll add-on to this thread...

    I was just wondering if there's a way to modify the ChatBox extension so that when you 'shout' something it's linked to your Vanilla account? So basically you'd need to be logged into Vanilla to use the shoutbox. Would that be an easy change to make? Is it even possible?
  • Set-up qu: can anyone point me to the file I need to add the code for the iframe into? Ta muchly...
  • Doh. So the set up file in the Tagbox folder was a little misleading. Second question - what determines the order that extensions turn up in on the side panel?
  • Their position attribute in the $Panel-Add method. You can see the documentation or grab my panel order extension if you need to rearrange them.
  • Thanks Mini... Anyone else have problems with the history tag in this? Clicking on the 'history' link didn't throw up a pop-up as it should have. Took me a while to figure it out, but I "fixed" it by changing the name of the 'history' function to something else. Is 'history' not a reserved word in javascript? Also, anyone have problems with the autoscroll? Doesn't work for me. I'd try to get my head around it, but it's Saturday night, and I really shouldn't be doing this now... ;)
  • And another thing... what do I have to tweak if I want the chatbox to turn up on some of the pages other than the default?
  • edited September 2006
    Done it - found the line if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php"))){ in the default.php of the extension and changed it to if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "comments.php"))){ - might not be that useful to anyone else... ;)
  • Downloaded and installed and works great. Just one question, as someone else asked. How can I automatically fill the nickname with the actual Vanilla user name?
    Thanks for a cool chatbox.
  • jimw:

    Have you checked out the extensions' default.php (I think it's called "Lace")?

    If it's not there, add this

    $nick = $Context->Session->User->Name; setcookie ("LACE_NICK", $nick, time()+604800);

    This should set a cookie LACE_NICK that the chat will look for and it should be populated with the respective users username.
This discussion has been closed.