Vanillacons question



  • edited July 2006
    What vanilla is looking after in /forum/ when your vanilla is installed in /Vanilla.1/ (c:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/Vanilla.1?) ?

    look in setting.php (or in icons extension maybe) for this wrong path and change it
  • Have you tried the rebuild function? This auto-corrects any path issues.
  • I installed Vanillacons, and my board members LOVE it. Wanted you to know that a few of the images are missing: fierce.gif, fingersear, sleepout, and wink Think that is all. :D
  • Hi, I got the smae problem where after selecting the new type, the icons doesn't show up. I looked at the code and its reflecting the right path. "/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/angry.gif" I did rebuild the icons, and it shows up fine on the post. But not after selecting a new type. Any help? Thanks
  • I also can't see the smiles becouse of incorrect path (/forum/).
    And I must tell you that rebuilding does not corrects this issue.
  • I had this situation where the row of smileys wouldn't change after selecting a category. Happened on my local installation. I may have had to logout and also logout/restart the computer and then it worked. So maybe a cache issue?

    If you logout of the Vanilla forum then sign back in does it work correctly? Maybe my solution was just a fluke?
  • Suddently not working at all. No idea why. Now the drop down menu is there, but no icons are visible. I rebuilt them, no change. :(
  • edited November 2006
    Did this issue ever get solved? I just started a discussion about it (I searched for mention of it but didn't use the words which later searches used to turn this discussion up).

    I installed Vanillacons. I also thought that putting a couple of extra icon folders in there would be good (add another couple of categories of images). After a bit of tinkering, and getting rid of the new folders and images and getting back to the original ones, I can see the icons in each category but I cannot add them to my comments. They show up in the Add Your Comments box before I post, but when I post they are not there. Is there a problem between FCKeditor and Vanillacons? I have FCKeditor added to my extensions, the thought just occurred to me that it might be interfering with Vanillacons.

    Did anyone find the fix for this? Thanks for your help.

    Edited to say: I found the fix. I had FCKeditor installed and it did not work with Vanillacons. I unplugged FCKeditor and now Vanillacons work well. I even installed my own folder of .gifs for my forumites to play with. A friend of mine told me that Vanillacons might not work with something like FCKeditor, sure enough that was the case.
  • edited February 2007
    I'm a real newbie, have installed Vanillacons, and it works fine. However, the ability to insert the icon at the cursor position (functions.js) doesn't work for me. Any ideas?Thanks
  • same here
  • Yes this is a pain, you need to cut and paste as it inserts at the end, no biggie really. pic

    Posted: Thursday, 8 February 2007 at 7:40PM (AEDT)

  • On May 1, 2006, markezz wrote "i wrote an extended function to insert the selected smilie at cursor position. can be downloaded as a .zip File or as a .js File." The links in that post are no longer valid. On May 2 Jazzman replied "Hey markezz! Nice function! I'll add it to my next release with your permission? (I'll credit you ofc :P)" Vanillacons was re-released in June 2006 with functions.js (the script to allow insert) included. So shouldn't it work? Forgive me if I'm dense, and thanks for any assistance.
  • Hello I have post yet the problem but I haven't the solution... The error when I activate the add-on alone : Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() ... in default.php Notice: Undefined variable: Smilies in ... in default.php Any ideas ? Help please ! Thx.
  • I download the last add-on Vanillacons 1.2 but I read on my add-on control panel Vanillacons 1.1 ! Do you know why ?
  • edited May 2008
    Random question... Very minor thing I'd like to change, but something that's been bugging me. What exactly should I be modifying to have the vanillacons extensions insert a space before each smiley, just so the gifs aren't butted up against one another or any text?

    I figured it was in the default.php in this portion of the code, specifically where it's generating the HTML for the specific .gif file.:
    function Rebuild() { $count = 0; $dircount = 0; $fh = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/smilies.js', 'w'); $fh2 = fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/smilies.php', 'w'); $Smilies = "<?php\n"; $Output = "var arrSmilies = new Array();\n"; $SmiliesDir = $this->Context->Configuration["APPLICATION_PATH"] . $this->Context->Configuration["SMILIES_PATH"]; foreach( glob($SmiliesDir.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir ) { $dircount++; $Output .= "\narrSmilies[\"".basename($dir)."\"] = new Array();\n"; $i = 0; foreach( glob($dir.'/*') as $file ) { $link = $this->GetSmilieUrl(basename($file)); $imgurl = $this->GetSmilieImg(basename($dir), basename($file)); $Output .= "arrSmilies[\"".basename($dir)."\"][".$i."] = '"; $Output .= "<span onclick=\"insertSmilie(\'".$link."\');\" class=\"VanillaconsLink\"><img src=\"".$imgurl."\" alt=\"\" /></span>"; $Output .= "';\n"; $Smilies .= "\$Smilies[\"".$this->GetSmilieUrl(basename($file))."\"] = \"".$this->GetSmilieImg(basename($dir), basename($file))."\";\n"; $i++; $count++; } }

    I tried inserting HTML non breaking spaces before the span, adding another span with the nbsp but no luck... Am I in the right place here...?
  • i think this function just rebuilds the paths for the icons, not echoing the html for the emoticon.

    maybe you should look at the insertSmilie javascript function
  • Ahh man I feel like a fool! That was easy as pie... Thanks miquel, not quite sure how I overlooked that one!
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