Google Adsense add-on for Vanilla 1



  • edited September 2006
    I haven't used Page Manager, will give it a run when I get home.

    As far as the page it uses... If you go to, you get the same thing as what you linked... but index.php is already in the list.

    So my best guess for now is you need to get the notice collector into PageManager some how.
  • Apologies for being a pain, but the link to apply for a new account isn't working on my site (directly above the ads) Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  • edited October 2006
    It works fine for me...?

    EDIT: for anybody else with this problem, change this line:GetUrl($Configuration, 'people.php', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=ApplyForm').To GetUrl($Configuration, 'people.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=ApplyForm').
  • Oops, yeah, Minisweeper fixed it, thanks anyways :) <3
  • edited October 2006
    I optimized the place where and what ads are inserted a bit. If you're interested a can give you the code.

    have a nice day
  • why hasnt this been released to the extensions section?
  • edited October 2006
  • Rated :-)
  • One question, you know there's a google search box, is it any good? I was considering trying to put one nicely into the sidebar but am not sure how, or if it'd look fairly unobtrusive, of if it'd even get me any revenue :/
  • edited October 2006
    Try $Panel->AddString('Google code', 10);

    where 10 is the position in the panel you want it to show up. Higher numbers position lower in the panel.

    I just may give this a shot myself.
  • OK, I added it to the bottom of the existing extension, like this: if ( in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "comments.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php")) ) { $Panel->AddString(' ---Google Code goes here --- ', 10); }

    In the adsense for search options, I set the search box to length of 10 characters, and it seems to fit OK. This will show the box for both signed on members and guests, since it is outside the first if statement.
  • Huge thanks, I've got it sorta kinda working now;

    Two questions though (sorry!) - how do I place it at the very bottom (below the Gig Calendar) and then also place a header of 'Search Google' or similar?

  • edited October 2006
    $Panel->AddString('<h2>Search Google</h2> --- Google Code goes here --- ', 500)
    You might need some other number than 500, the trick is to make it larger than the number in the gig calendar, and then it will appear below it.
  • You're a star, thank you so much!
  • Don't know if I missed anything, but on blizeH and Wanderer's forums the GuestSense message ("Please login to remove...") is styled, whereas on mine, when I have it activated, it's not, just plain text at the top. Did you guys style it yourselves (prob not as I think, if I recall, they look the same in yellow).
  • that is how it appears in the default stylesheet: Are you using a custom style?
  • Oh... duh. Yeah I'm using a modified Soul-Scape. What do I need to include?
  • Give this a shot:
    .Notice { background: url(notice.gif) left center no-repeat #FFFECC; border: 1px solid #FAEBB1; font-size:13px; padding: 8px 8px 8px 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: #D57D00; line-height: 150%; }
  • edited October 2006
    Thanks WP, that worked a treat.
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