Thumbnailer.php Error

edited October 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have installed the Filebrowser on my host and love the idea. However, when I try to create a thumbnail of images I get the following error: --- A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message: An error occurred while attempting to copy the source image "BlackWidow.png". Your version of php (4.4.2) may not have jpeg support. Affected Elements: Thumbnailer.GenerateThumbnail(); For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Software support website at: --- Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks


  • You need to make sure your php has GDLib compiled in. Making a file called phpinfo.php containing:
    Will tell you if you have it or not. If not you need to request that your host install it.
  • I couldnt find it, maybe in just overlooking it? Thanks for your help.
  • This is the bit:
    GD Support enabled
    GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
    FreeType Support enabled
    FreeType Linkage with freetype
    GIF Read Support enabled
    GIF Create Support enabled
    JPG Support enabled
    PNG Support enabled
    WBMP Support enabled
    XBM Support enabled

    So it is there. What are the permissions on the files?
  • 757 - Now im just getting a 404 error. Gah, dumb thing.
  • That's not a 404 error. And it might be cause the permissions on the thumbnailer.php file are too high if theyre 757. Try putting that on 644 and put the images you're trying to thumbnail on 777.
  • I did the permissions you said, and now im just getting the original posted error.
  • Can you upload a jpeg or a gif and see if it will thumbnail that?
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