Latest Discussions support
Please post any problems you are having with the latest discussions extension. Also read this discussion, as it may answer your query's.
This discussion has been closed.
mysql_connect('database host','database username','database password'); mysql_selelct_db('database name');
Tell me if that doesn't work.
You could also try uninstalling the extension and checking that everything else works. It works fine on my forum, so I'm currently installing another vanilla forum, and seeing if it works fine on that too, so I can maybe find out what causes this problem - as it has happened before.
UPDATE - I've set up another forum, and the same problem that you had happened, I've managed to fix the script so that it works on my forum, and have updated the link on the add-on page, hopefully it will now work.
However I ran into another one. It's not really a bug, mostly a feature, but I noticed all new discussions are displayed. I mean, if you make a post in a category restricted to a specific role, then browse the forum unauthenticated, the extension still displays the discussion. Of course, you can't actually read the discussion when you click on the link, but there's no custom message to explain you what happened. It only says the discussion can't be found, which is normal, but in my opinion a bit confusing for a first-time user.
All of this to say it would be better to make discussions appear according to each role's permissions. I think I'll change the default "discussion not found" message to something like "This discussion cannot be found, maybe you don't have the permission to access this category", it will do the trick for now. Keep up the good work