Hide all disscusions from a Catagory from the disscusions page.

y2kbgy2kbg New
edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I want to have catagorys that only i can post in and make them linkable to view all of the disscsions in that catagory but hide it from the view on the catagorys page and hide all of its disscusions from view on the disscions page.


  • I'm sure someone made an extension to do just that but i cant see it on the addons site...hmm..
  • yea i looked for one also, i dont think it would be to hard to do, but i have no clue how to start because i just dicovered Vanilla last week.
  • http://lussumo.com/addons/?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=191
  • edited November 2006
    here's a link to a thread I made about this that contains unfinished extension code to hide certain categories, you can try it out if you want and hopefully it works for you, it doesn't quite work for me but I think it's because i'm using the discussion overview extension instead of having a category tab.


    onetwentyeight: I think that extension makes it so the user themselves can block certain categories, if so I think the original poster wants to be able to block it for all users and not give them an option to unblock certain categories.
  • if so I think the original poster wants to be able to block it for all users and not give them an option to unblock certain categories. --True ok i will look at that extention
  • that will do most of it, but how could i change it so the they cannot post in them?
  • The Roles&Permissions settings for categories only allow for being able to view a category (and I assume disabling posting as well - ie, you can't just the in the category and post anyway). All we need is another tick list that allows use to just disable posting, but allow the roles to still see it.
  • StashStash
    edited October 2010
    Errr, does MaxB's CategoryRoles do this?.
  • The URLs are dead. Is there anyone who could tell me how to dissable the "all disscusions" category on the forum?
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