Creative Zune ad

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
this zune ad is cool and pointless if u don't know what zune is, this ad will go over ur head.


  • It's over my head too. pic
    Is it something to do with sharing?
    If so, that cookie will be spewed up in three chews or one swallow, whichever comes first!
  • yeah its about sharing. u give ur cookie to others. but ur own cookie never finishes. the idea is neat. but it requires people know about Zune sharing to have any effect btw Zune doesn't allow retransmitting of songs. and some songs cannot be shared.
  • And the ones that can be shared can only be played up to three times within three days (or so that is what I have heard/read).
  • That's what I meant by...

    spewed up in three chews or one swallow, whichever comes first
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited December 2006
    You can see the rest of the ads at . Most of them are too avant-garde for the mainstream.

    I think these commercials will give children nightmares. Whatever happens, DO NOT let your kids look at the "Gotan Project / Tokyo Plastic " promo. Or at least don't say I didn't warn you:

    Zune - Tokyo Plastic
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