email me your styles.

edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
to jonezy at and i will add them to this sites style sheet repository (under account -> change stylesheet for those who don't know). include, the link to the style folder and a link to the screen grab if you have it. also gimme your username. and i guess you can post them in here too?


  • psst, dude, is minesweeper in applicants? if so approve him.
  • psst, whispers are gone.
  • dude you are minisweeper?
  • eh i could turn whispers back on but i'm not sure how the server is holding up as of right now...
  • read my comment again. a few times.
  • ok ok well as soon as i approve that account i'm gonna douce it :p
  • haha. it's my brother, you might remember him from o8. (he's the reason i'm called mini-sweeper)
  • hahahah that's funny.... i don't see him in the applicants list.
  • hmm. maybe mark deleted him a while ago.
  • New
    edited July 2005
    i'm waiting for the final release to finish my style. i got sick of constantly updating, so i decided to just wait until the css file is set. now i know .0001% of what mark dealt with haha.
  • hehe, same here outbreak. I'm looking right now to compare what's been changed other than the user icons and ip addresses on this release.
  • i tried creating a style... but it sucked...
  • ROFL
  • keep at it... maybe when you start seeing some others it will get easier.
  • the colours are the hardest part, they make or break your success.
  • this is true
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