
edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, I've just discovered Vanilla, and it seems to be a very nice project ? Is there any team of translators or something like that ? I'm currently traducing the English.php file to French, but I need to know if a part of the work hasn't been done yet and who I must contact to share my work. Thanks.


  • Currently, there are a couple of translations coming around as well as a possible change or two in the language files. Do a quick search for "language" and see what languages are currently being translated. I'm sure mark will be more than happy to accept a french translation if there already isn't one in progress.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I know that one of our members started on the French translation and couldn't get too far because his French just wasn't up to snuff. If you would like, please drop me a line by email and I'll start putting together a list of users who are doing translations. (support [at] lussumo [dot] com)
  • edited July 2005
    Thanks for your replies ! My mother language is French, so I think we could do a good job if the mother language the guy you're talking about is English. There are some words that are a little hard to translate in French, but I'll do some searches.
  • edited July 2005
    I'm near to finnish the French translation for Vanilla, but I need to know where to put my work on the web so other people can check it. The file needs some check-ups, because I don't fluently speak English, and hasn't been tested yet. Feel free to add your comments on my work and suggest improvements. I'll do my best to include them.
  • if you send it my way i'll upload it so people can access it but it's probably easiest just to mail it to mark and let him have a look and then he can put it on the lussumo server.
  • Just one thing : does I have to convert every special characters (such as é, è, â, ...) in HTML entities or does Vanilla convert them itself ?
  • Well i assume if you write them into the dictionary as the character it should read them the same - as far as i know it doesnt parse it at all. But i'll leave mark to say for certain. If you want me to install your language file on my vanilla setup so you can see how it looks you're welcome?
  • Incase you havent already mailed it to someone else, http://gez.int0rw3b.com/forum/ is running your french file. As you can see there are a couple of problems (presumably with non-english characters though my french is very rusty). Hope this is helpful for you to see how its going.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I knew there would be character issues. we're going to have to replace the characters with their equivalent html codes. If people send me their files, I'll do the search/replace and upload to a central source for everyone to download.
  • Ahh. as he suspected then. Can you grab that php file off my server anyhow?
  • Or just gimme the regex to change it.
  • Psst. i changed a bunch of them and its better now. There are issues with sizing and overlaps and stuff where the french is longer than the english. Which could be a problem :s
  • psst. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/latin1.html is useful for anyone else who needs to do this.
  • edited July 2005
    Perrick Penet did some proof-reading, but I still need to replace special characters. I send you the file !
  • Greg - if you check out my forum i think i've replaced all the special chars in it. The issue is that the length of french stuff is messing up the stylesheet.
  • That'll be an issue with the stylesheet then, not the content. We can't go having the layout being more important than the content, can we? ;)
  • Okay, I can see what's messing up ! The problem is that some words aren't easy to translate to French without using English words, ie username, login or login. It happens often with composed words.
  • Well yeah - i'm not in any way insulting your translation, whenever we cross language boundaries there are always gonna be issues. Its just what we can do about them that we need to consider now?
  • There also seems to be a problem with applicants when using french.
  • Maybe I was wrong with the word "applicant". It must be "demandeur" and not "demande d'adhésion".
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