Need help! I'm trying to setup a DokuWiki, just like Lussumo's, where you need to login to be able to post...
The default for DokuWiki is to be able to post without logging in, can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to make a superuser and make it so you can login?
Haven't really had a proper play with Dokuwiki yet. It's on my list.
I set up so DokuWiki checks if I'm logged in to Vanilla via "People", and if so, to log in automatically. I didn't want to set extra cookies beyond the session, nor allow login/logout by anything but Vanilla.
!! This may or may not work for you, but hopefully it gives a starting point. !!
!! Including People gives all sorts of crazy PHP warnings. On Dreamhost they're inconsequential, as output buffering is turned off, but this may be a problem on your host. !!
re-tested with a fresh install of Vanilla and Dokuwiki and works as expected.
added line '$conf['useacl'] = 1;' to conf/local.php.
added file conf/acl.auth.php.
added opening and closing php tags to files for clarity.
corrected error ($Configuration['DATABASE_NAME'] should be $Configuration['DATABASE_USER']) inc/auth/vanilla.class.php, line 69.
Minor changes to inc/auth/vanilla.class.php
All that said, here goes:
file: [dokuwiki base directory]/conf/local.php
Add the following lines at the outset of the file:
/* Include Vanilla's People. Dokuwiki will overwrite these variables. * NOTE: this must be the first line in the file */ @include(DOKU_CONF.'local.protected.php');
Also include the following:
$conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['authtype'] = 'vanilla'; /* Grab DB info from Vanilla's conf */ $conf['auth']['mysql']['server'] = $Configuration['DATABASE_HOST']; $conf['auth']['mysql']['user'] = $Configuration['DATABASE_NAME']; $conf['auth']['mysql']['password'] = $Configuration['DATABASE_PASSWORD']; $conf['auth']['mysql']['database'] = $Configuration['DATABASE_NAME'];
file: [dokuwiki base directory]/conf/local.protected.php
(NOTE: make sure to set the proper VANILLA_ROOT!!)
<?php /* Integrating w/vanilla give all sorts inconsequential errors. For * debugging purposes, comment out the next two lines */ error_reporting(0); ini_set("display_errors", 0); if(!defined('VANILLA_ROOT')) define('VANILLA_ROOT', '/path/to/your/vanilla/install'); require_once VANILLA_ROOT.'appg/settings.php'; require_once VANILLA_ROOT.'appg/init_people.php'; ?>php
file: [dokuwiki base directory/conf/acl.auth.php
<?php /* allows all users to view wiki pages */ * @ALL 1 /* grant admin user all rights */ * @Administrator 16 /* grant member create & edit rights */ * @Member 8 ?>
file: [dokuwiki base directory]/inc/auth/vanilla.class.php
<?php /** * Vanilla Backend * * Adapted from Andreas Gohr's <> PunBB backend * by Brent Shultz <> */ require_once DOKU_INC.'inc/auth/mysql.class.php'; class auth_vanilla extends auth_mysql { /** * Constructor. * * Sets additional capabilities and config strings */ function auth_vanilla(){ global $Configuration; $this->cando['external'] = true; $conf['passcrypt'] = 'md5'; $conf['auth']['mysql']['checkPass'] = "SELECT u.Password AS pass FROM ${db_prefix}User AS u, ${db_prefix}Role AS g WHERE u.RoleID = g.RoleID AND u.Name = '%{user}' AND g.Name = ('Member' OR 'Moderator' OR 'Administrator')"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['getUserInfo'] = "SELECT Password AS pass, u.Name AS name, Email AS mail, UserID as id, g.Name as group FROM ${db_prefix}User AS u, ${db_prefix}Role AS g WHERE u.RoleID = g.RoleID AND u.Name = '%{user}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['getGroups'] = "SELECT g.Name as `group` FROM ${db_prefix}User AS u, ${db_prefix}Role AS g WHERE u.RoleID = g.RoleID AND u.Name = '%{user}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['getUsers'] = "SELECT DISTINCT u.Name AS user FROM ${db_prefix}User AS u, ${db_prefix}Role AS g WHERE u.RoleID = g.RoleID"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['FilterLogin'] = "u.Name LIKE '%{user}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['FilterName'] = "u.Name LIKE '%{name}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['FilterEmail'] = "u.Email LIKE '%{email}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['FilterGroup'] = "g.Name LIKE '%{group}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['SortOrder'] = "ORDER BY u.Name"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['getGroupID'] = "SELECT RoleID AS id FROM ${db_prefix}Role WHERE Name='%{group}'"; $conf['auth']['mysql']['TablesToLock']= array("${db_prefix}User", "${db_prefix}User AS u", "${db_prefix}Role", "${db_prefix}Role AS g"); $conf['auth']['mysql']['debug'] = 0; // call mysql constructor $this->auth_mysql(); } function trustExternal($user,$pass,$sticky=false){ global $Configuration; global $Context; global $USERINFO; global $conf; global $lang; $sticky ? $sticky = true : $sticky = false; //sanity check if ($Context->Session->UserID > 0) { mysql_connect($Configuration['DATABASE_HOST'], $Configuration['DATABASE_USER'], $Configuration['DATABASE_PASSWORD']); if ($CookieUserID == '') $CookieUserID = $Context->Session->UserID; mysql_select_db($Configuration['DATABASE_NAME']); $result = mysql_query('SELECT u.Name as Name, u.Password as Password, u.Email as Email, u.RoleID, g.RoleID, g.Name as GroupName FROM LUM_User as u, LUM_Role as g WHERE UserID='.$CookieUserID.' AND u.RoleID = g.RoleID'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $USERINFO['pass'] = $row->Password; $USERINFO['name'] = $row->Name; $USERINFO['mail'] = $row->Email; $USERINFO['grps'] = array($row->GroupName); $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $row->Name; $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['user'] = $row->Name; $_SESSION[DOKU_COOKIE]['auth']['info'] = $USERINFO; } mysql_free_result($result); return true; } // to be sure auth_logoff(); return false; } } ?>
Comments, suggestions, corrections, etc. are welcomed.
a site that allows you to try out several packages for blogs, forums, cms, e-commerce, e-learning and others, including full admin capabilities for all, without having to install them in your own server.
Also, did you set the path to Vanilla in conf/local.protected.php on the following line?
if(!defined('VANILLA_ROOT')) define('VANILLA_ROOT', '/path/to/your/vanilla/install');
Not setting that line, or setting it improperly, will result in a blank wiki.