Inline Images 1.3 (with ThickBox)

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello peepz!

Download: Inline Images 1.3.

It resolves a bug in 1.2 and adds ThickBox support!!
You'll need the following extensions if you want to use ThickBox:

- JQuery
- JQThickBox

Enable them in that order! First JQuery, second JQThickBox!

Remember to enable ThickBox from the settings tab -> Inline Images!


  • Rock on Jazzman. I'll be updating JQThickBox with a couple of fixes later today that have been pointed out. I shall definitely take a look at this ;)
  • Works like a charm and it is exactly what I needed! I'm bowing in your general direction!
  • With JQThickBox 1.0.1 and InlineImages 1.3 when I enabled ThickBox support I get the following error at the top of the page content (below the header).Notice: Undefined index: REWRITE_extensions/InlineImages/image.jpg.php in /home/exhibitq/public_html/treasurytoday/library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php on line 447
  • edited January 2007
    Ouch.. it seems the REWRITE engine can't handle the URL... gonna fix it, brb

    EDIT: done :) Just download it again. I haven't changed the version, because it was such a minor fix
  • Lovely, works great now.

    Just a quick question. If you have the max width set to say 125 pixels, will that auto-size larger pictures to this size and then allow them to fill the screen with ThickBox when you click them?
  • I think this is what you are asking. In mine, Vanilla downsizes to my specified size within the post eg 400px. When they are opened with Thickbox, they open to the full dimension of the downloaded image eg 800px.
  • Yes, that's what I'm asking. I see that it only resizes images down to the specified size when you first upload the image (right?). So if I upload an image that is 800px wide when I have 400px limit set, it gets resized to 400px for display, but you can then ThickBox view it at 800px. However, if I then change the limit to 125px, it will remain at 400px in the comment, it won't be resized down again to 125px, right?

    I haven't had a chance to upload any large images to test this idea out fully yet.
  • "So if I upload an image that is 800px wide when I have 400px limit set, it gets resized to 400px for display, but you can then ThickBox view it at 800px." That is the way it is working. I have not tried to change the size limit. 400px works well in the green style so I have not messed with anymore changes.
  • When you increase the maximum width, it won't change already resized image anymore, as the cached image will always have a smaller width then the new size you've set. Only work-around for now is that you delete those cached files (filename-resized.jpg) manually.
  • edited January 2007
    Im having some trouble with inline images on internet explorer, here is a screenshot

    inline error shot

    seems the inline div is not auto-resizing... how can I fix this ?

    btw, firefox displays the images fine
  • I am having the same issue.
  • edited January 2007
    it's a problem with style.css of Attachments extension:

    in #Comments .Attachments delete

    height: 1%;
    and it works
  • I have just spent ages trying to figure out why I couldn't get this extension to work, when everyone else seems to. Finally, after trying everything else I thought 'change browsers'! Voila! The problem was SAFARI! Grrr. Works a treat in Firefox and IE. Thanks Jazzman.
  • Mmm.. sorry megaa.. can't test it on safari. Could you tell me what the problem is in safari?
  • i'm running iis 5 with vanilla 1.0.3 and attachments 2.1 with inline image 1.3. nothinig happens when i add the [Image_#] tag. just plain text. it does display the attachment download link. any input would be welcome
  • URL of your forum please so we can see it in action.
  • edited February 2007
    Im having the same problem as poetic5

    My testing forum can be found at

  • Not working for me either - same problem as poetic5 and Scott Double U.
  • Doesn't Inline Images use GD or something like that - have you got it installed?
  • Yes, GD is installed on my server - Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible).
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