Points System

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Any chance of a points system? Users are given points based on their content in their posts. Points can be given/taken away... the more or less changes their priviledges/roles.


  • You could probably hook something up with the voting extension? Think that handles the points per post thing.
  • bump, possibilities on this?
  • i think the thankful people extension does this.
  • Nah, that just puts a list of people who are thankful for that post. It could probably be modified heavily to make it so that user's "thanks" are stored and certain point values can be defined so that if they get 1000 they move a role. But a remove point option would have to be written in. Anyone willing to help with that?
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited February 2007
    jazzman added a feature to total the 'thanks" and put it on the account page.

  • Hmm, and does this allow automatic role change to set point values? And remove thanks option?
  • it really shouldn't be too hard to add those, i have even downloaded to see any of the code. i have never done anything that involves changing roles but i imagine it is only a couple lines of code.
  • Funny - I also asked for something like this: http://lussumo.com/community/discussion/4969/ Jazzman's development of the Thankful People extension came closest, but if anyone manages to work up a way of removing points (moderator only) that'd be cool.
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