[Extension]DiscussionExcerpt 1.0.2, iBox and BoxOver
I just uploaded these three extensions. The DiscussionExcerpt version 1.0.2 now uses the iBox or BoxOver javascript in these extensions. You can see an example of the iBox popup display on my forum.
I chose these scripts because they were the easiest to get to work to display the post information. I'm sure there are other ways to do this and can be implemented if you tell me about them.
There are some options in the default.php file that can be changed to help you obtain the display you want.
$Context->Dictionary['ExLength'] = 180;
$Context->Dictionary['WhichStyle'] = 2; // 1=iBox; 2=Boxover
$Context->Dictionary['BoxHeight'] = 400; // for iBox
$Context->Dictionary['BoxWidth'] = 600; // for iBox
$Context->Dictionary['ClickMe'] = "(click me to see entire post)";
$Context->Dictionary['MouseOver'] = "(mouse over to see entire post)";
Change the ExLength to adjust the number of characters to display in the discussion grid.
Change the WhichStyle to "1" to use iBox and "2" to use BoxOver.
Change the BoxHeight and BoxWidth to adjust the iBox window size.
Change the ClickMe description for the prompt you want to see for iBox.
Change the MouseOver description for the prompt you want to see for BoxOver.
I am working on an admin for adjusting the above items.
I chose these scripts because they were the easiest to get to work to display the post information. I'm sure there are other ways to do this and can be implemented if you tell me about them.
There are some options in the default.php file that can be changed to help you obtain the display you want.
$Context->Dictionary['ExLength'] = 180;
$Context->Dictionary['WhichStyle'] = 2; // 1=iBox; 2=Boxover
$Context->Dictionary['BoxHeight'] = 400; // for iBox
$Context->Dictionary['BoxWidth'] = 600; // for iBox
$Context->Dictionary['ClickMe'] = "(click me to see entire post)";
$Context->Dictionary['MouseOver'] = "(mouse over to see entire post)";
Change the ExLength to adjust the number of characters to display in the discussion grid.
Change the WhichStyle to "1" to use iBox and "2" to use BoxOver.
Change the BoxHeight and BoxWidth to adjust the iBox window size.
Change the ClickMe description for the prompt you want to see for iBox.
Change the MouseOver description for the prompt you want to see for BoxOver.
I am working on an admin for adjusting the above items.
This discussion has been closed.
Disscusion with Screenshot
the demo files lookin promising ... well probably its a tad to late for me here but ... how can i let this work on vanilla? or with other words: tell me the trick of the "how" please.
thanks a lot mang.
I tried the code with a test page of my own and it worked.
Posted: Monday, 5 February 2007 at 4:48PM (AEDT)
Later: Fixed it, inserted slash before extensions...$Configuration["BOXOVER_PATH"] = '/extensions/BoxOver/';
Also added 'comments.php','post.php' to this array...
if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php','comments.php','post.php')))
So now it works when people are reading comments as well as in preview mode when editing.
Posted: Monday, 5 February 2007 at 5:18PM (AEDT)
@fery: That should fix your problem.
<?php /* Extension Name: BoxOver Extension Url: http://lussumo.com/addons/ Description: Adds boxover stuff from script by the author at http://boxover.swazz.org Version: 1.0.0 Author: Jim Wurster Author Url: http://www.jwurster.us/ */ $Configuration["BOXOVER_PATH"] = '/extensions/BoxOver/'; $Context->Dictionary["BOXOVER"] = 'Box Over'; // Set the version number. AddConfigurationSetting($Context, 'BOXOVER_VERSION', '1.0.0'); if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array('index.php','comments.php','post.php'))) { $Head->AddScript($Context->Configuration["BOXOVER_PATH"].'boxover.js'); $Head->AddStyleSheet($Context->Configuration["BOXOVER_PATH"].'style.css'); } ?>
if yes .. it wont work
These 2 extensions are like the JThickBox extension. You have to use it's capabilities in another extension.
Sorry for the confusion.
i have to do some custom css / php work to get those popups (for example) work in vanilla right?
I was looking for something to display text. Can ThickBox do this? If so, then perhaps I did a lot of work for nothing. There is a site (if I can remember it) that has information about all of these scripts (LightBox, ThickBox, GreyBox, etc.) and links to them. Maybe we need a comparison chart.
wouldnt it be better to ghet this extension working as extension without extra editing and extra extra extra extra extra .... i hope you understand what i mean.
just as an idea and to speed up vanilla ... what is about the idea to create download packages to increase the speed of vanilla like : puting all those ibox, boxover and d.ex in one extension.
because you have then only one css and lesser php files to load.
Fery, the idea behind making things like ThickBox and iBox separate extensions is that then they only have to be updated once and multiple other extensions can use them from one updatable source, rather than having to update 5 versions of ThickBox say, if a security issue or show stopper bug is found.
this is def. a huge limitation in comparison to other forums.
but i know this is anyways a core problem of vanilla and not a failture of the extensions or their creators.