yeah youre seems to be a known problem
is there something else than textilePHP which we could take to make a extention?
ive changed line 2696 of your extention to
$html = htmlentities($html,ENT_NOQUOTES,$this->options['input_encoding'])
and it works now
would be great if you could change that in your extention aswell
by the it just me or does it not work to set a default text formating thing.
when i set it to markdown or textile for example...the preferences dont get saved.
they default to text everytime :(
updated it in extension on my server. good catch. :D
i just tried changing the settings for my personal preferences on my vanilla install and it keeps them alright for me. dunno what's up with that one.
yeah i noticed that safari has some ajax glitches :(
there are also other problems with safari.
for you ppl remember that when there are multiple versions of the same animated gif file...then only one is animated and the others are not?
they fixed that if you include the gif with <img> but if you include the image like here...with css as background then the safari bug is there again..
thats of course no fault of you mark...and you should not change it to fix safari in my opinion..because its something the safari ppl have to fix. just something i noticed...i wonder if anyone else has seen that...or if i was just too tired yesterday to think right :D
Thank you stuart. if you would, would you put comments in your code (so I can see what's going on?)
Textile Extension 0.1
Right now it's got this in there
Because it was throwing a bunch of "undefined variable" errors.
it works fine on my install