Adsense in Filebrowser

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i want to add adsense code in filebrowser. please guide me how to do it


  • edited March 2007
    no problem.. i have done it.
  • edited March 2007
    it is very simple.. just paste your adsense code at line: 1391 of index.php file. Use echo when adding adsense code if u don't know.. similar to the line: 1390. Actually i was facing a little layout problem thats why i started this discussion.. the problem was due to iframe defined in CSS stylesheet which is 'default.css'. I defined a new class for my adsense code in CSS. Thats it ..
  • could you please explain this in more detail, what is echo?

    many thanks,
  • could you please explain this in more detail, what is echo?

    many thanks,
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