Unchangable Extensions

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Since I updated to the lastest Vanilla my extensions are permanently locked. The option box for each extension s unchecked on the page and when I try to click them to the 'on' position they go back to 'off' on a reload of the page.

What's wrong? How can I uncheck the extensions outside of this menu?



  • You need to double check the file permissions on your conf/extensions.php file. If 644 doesnt work try 777.
  • I've done that, but the extension page still shows none of the boxes as ticked...

  • Try renaming the extensions file then re-checking the extensions you added...
  • renaming? how would that help?
  • Vanilla can have trouble reading the extensions file, usually caused by the end of line markers being changed (text editors and FTP programs can be the culprit) Renaming it to something else forces Vanilla to re-make the file, with its own native line endings. Extra bonus is a handy backed up list of extensions if you forget which ones you had enabled.
  • Sorry to bother folk again, but this didn't work

    renaming the extensions.php just caused errors. if i clear the file completely and try recheck my extensions nothing happens.
    what the hell is up?
  • I think I might have sorted it at last, still a few glitches, but mainly ok.
  • Please let us know what the problem was and how you solved it :)
  • It's still not working. I'm going to wait for the next update and hope a re-install sorts it out...
  • anyone figure this out yet?
  • Do you see any error message when you click the extension's check box?

    Have you modified Vanilla at all, other than installing extensions?

    I was getting errors whenever I tried to enable or disable an extension and it was because of WordPress integration.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited March 2007
    Try hard-refreshing your browser.

    The JS functions that are called when an extension is enabled or disabled have changed in the new version. I've seen it happen where people can't modify extensions because their JS files are cached and they need the new versions.
  • nope, still not working
  • no changes to vanilla other than extensions, no integration with anything else.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Why don't you explain in detail the exact problem you are having. Is it exactly the same as this topic starter?

    You will need to debug the issue yourself. A good way of doing this is to have vanilla send you to the ajax page that processes the extension modification request so you can see any errors that may be occurring. You can do this by opening up vanilla/js/ajax.js and changing this:

    // Debug // document.location = DataSource;

    to this:

    // Debug document.location = DataSource;

    Keep in mind that doing so will cause any and all ajax calls in vanilla to be redirected, so things like bookmarking will also cause vanilla to go to the ajax processing page. But you can change it back quickly once you've got the problem figured out.

    So, give this a shot and then come on back and tell us what happened when you attempted to turn on/off an extension...
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