Hi guys, I downloaded this style and it looks fantastic ... I am curious as to whether the login/logout pages have been updated yet (because if they have, I'm not sure how to implement it ... it's still unstyled for me) --
Alternatively, is there a way to do this myself?
Thanks for any help! <3 <3
Hey nice work man. Very similar to how I envisioned the new version of Pure to be.. I'll still continue on with my theme, mainly because I want to port it over to 1.0 and just add some additions.
really lovely work - my fave style for vanilla so far. However I have had people complaining that after the installed IE 7.0 they cant see discussions anymore
@NinjaMonkey (?) Perhaps because they're running Lussumo Vanilla ( (see source)
More on-topic: I love that site too. Nice and simple. With YayHooray my favorite application of Vanilla (but both modded). Outbreak also made the OSGM and YH Beta! 1.0 styles which are both *very* nice too. I see he's still active on the forums (and has a moderator role). Perhaps he can fix it for IE7?
Hello. I made DO. And by "made", I mean designed. And by "designed", I mean I gave the css a damn good trashing.
The current DO is still unfinished (behind the scenes it's stuck together with glue and sticky tape). I've just downloaded the latest version of Vanilla with a view to knocking out a new and complete version of the design, so keep an eye out and it may be available soon (although don't hold your breath because I'm notoriously slow and easily distracted).
Nice to know there are people out there that like the design though!
hey everyone. sorry, but there are no plans to fix the scene style for IE7. frankly, i refuse to download IE to my machine after all the bad encounters i've had with it, so that one might just have suffer. if anyone likes it enough to want to fix it for IE7, please be my guest, i just don't want to have anything to do with that awful program, haha.
i'll be releasing a couple new styles and maybe a theme in the near future though, so keep an eye out.
@shunk: I *love* DO too. Actually, I NEED *Do*, so I second iternity's request. If not, you'll force me to recreate it. ;-)
@outbreak: I hear you re: IE7, screwed up so many things, including dreamweaver FTP upload, but unfortunately I cannot control my visitors... Look forward to the new styles.
outbreak, I hope you don't work in web sites I know I wish I didn't have to take IE7 into account, but if you deal with anything but a very niche website, you just cannot ignore it Trying to is like trying to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room.
who has made that AWESOME style at http://www.designateonline.com/ ? I would kill (the cat) to get this... Any chance?
@NinjaMonkey (?) Perhaps because they're running Lussumo Vanilla ( (see source)
More on-topic:
I love that site too. Nice and simple. With YayHooray my favorite application of Vanilla (but both modded).
Outbreak also made the OSGM and YH Beta! 1.0 styles which are both *very* nice too. I see he's still active
on the forums (and has a moderator role). Perhaps he can fix it for IE7?
The current DO is still unfinished (behind the scenes it's stuck together with glue and sticky tape). I've just downloaded the latest version of Vanilla with a view to knocking out a new and complete version of the design, so keep an eye out and it may be available soon (although don't hold your breath because I'm notoriously slow and easily distracted).
Nice to know there are people out there that like the design though!
i'll be releasing a couple new styles and maybe a theme in the near future though, so keep an eye out.
also, shunk - i love that DO style you made.
@outbreak: I hear you re: IE7, screwed up so many things, including dreamweaver FTP upload, but unfortunately I
cannot control my visitors... Look forward to the new styles.