My Admin password was hacked?

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My password was hacked or I was logged in somewhere under my account and didn't log out. Either way, I can't log in to my website. How can I go in and change my password? Preferrably with FileZilla. If not, I can use my web host client to reset whatever it is. Thanks in advance.


  • do you have access to your sql database? probably ?
  • Yes, I do.
  • In that case, go to your vanilla database, in the lum_user table find your user and change the Password field. You can just fill something out there, and then log in on your Vanilla forum with that password. Once you're logged in, change the password to something proper and you're done. Alternatively you can click the "Forgot your password" link on the sign-in form (unless the email address for your account was changed).
  • Don't think you can just change passwords in database as they are encoded.

    Best bet is to change email address (not encoded) and request a password
    change (as bjrn suggested).
  • edited April 2007
    you can. You can encode it with phpmyadmin, or use a plain text one. If you use a plain text one, it is better then to change your password in vanilla after.

    which version of Vanilla are your using?
  • As Dinoboff said, you can just put in a plain-text password in the database, and log in with that. I wasn't sure how you did the phpmyadmin encoding (or if all versions of phpmyadmin have it), so I just went for the plain-text solution.
  • you type in a new password in the password field, then on the column to the left of it, is a drop down. here you select MD5 (which will encode it for you)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Vanilla is set up to accept either plain text or the encoded equivalent. So you can put it in there in plain english and change it after if you want...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You can also do an email retrieval/reset of it...
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