mass manage.

VazVaz New
edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Currently the only thing stopping me from 110% loving vanilla is that there is no mass manage tool availible. I'm aware of ModTools which is in progress to help discussion management but I'd like to see an addon that works slightly wider. Usually when I'm on the discussion page I can straight away see discussions which I'm not even remotely interested in. I decide not to click them. After a while I'm left with a huge chunk of discussions that are still as unread. These may be weeks old. No matter what css colour changes I make, they still catch my attention. Also, I usually end up with discussions which I can see just from the title will need to be closed. For each discussion I have to click on it, close it & then move it. It turns out to be a very lengthy and time consuming proceedure. I think the solution to this would be to add little tick boxes next to discussions on the discussions page allowing you to quickly tick what discussion you want to : a) move b)mark as read c) close. Once again, please consider tackling this issue. - Vaz :)


  • Something like a My Discussions.
  • I do recall there is/was an add-on which provided a "mark all as read" link in the sidebar under or above filters for just this instance.
  • Yep, I've seen that. However, by using that i'd automatically mark the discussions I want to read as read.
  • or you can simply hit it after you've read only the threads you want to read and brush all the others off :)
  • trouble with marking all as read is that it quickly fills up the database if you have enough users that use it..
  • VazVaz New
    edited May 2007
    :P the mod will still not be quite right for a large busy forum for example. There are forums out there in which by the time you've replied to one thread there are five new ones. (just taking into consideration other possible scanario's ;) )
  • Yeah, in that case it's not helpful either way and you're nitpicking over a minor detail. The only thing I would suggest you do to prune out discussions you don't want to see is by blocking their category :)

    I'll admit that seeing a bunch of new topics I'm not interested in bothered me too, but I've just trained myself to look past it. However it is helpful to ignore them because when you search for something which is relevant later on you'll see you obviously missed those discussions instead of marking them read and forgetting about it.
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