Invite Only System



  • yep, I will have to update to my extensions for vanilla 1.1. I will look at it them. if nodody post the code before...
  • I have this installed and working, and I like it, but i'm just wondering.. is there a way to make invited members get approved automatically? And not have to wait for an Admin to approve them? At the same time I don't want to turn off Admin approval for normal members who sign up from the front page without an invite.. Cheers
  • If the addon work correctly, the only way to sign in is to get an invitation. Let me know if it doesn't work that way. You can set the default role when someone sign in to be applicant (need approval) or member (no approval needed). I can't promise I will do soon what you suggest, bur I will keep in mind the suggestion.
  • Well I have it installed, and people can still click the "Apply for membership" link on the front page and sign up from there.. so something isn't working right.. Also yes I could set the role to 'no approval needed' but then ANYONE could sign up via the front page without an invitation and without approval..
  • TomTesterTomTester New
    edited March 2007
    @Infecxd: perhaps, like me, you did not notice the new/additional 'INVITATION CODE' field...

    IMHO this add-on could benefit from a clearer explanation, e.g. update the text on the left
    or add some pop-up explanation that clearly mentions where/how to GET an invitation...

    Ex. current text:
    This membership application form does not grant immediate access to the site.
    All membership applications are reviewed by an administrator before acceptance.
    You are not guaranteed access to the application by filling out this form.
    Could read:
    An invitation code from a current forum member is required to apply...
    This membership application form does not grant immediate access to the site.
    All membership applications are reviewed by an administrator before acceptance.
    You are not guaranteed access to the application by filling out this form.
  • @Dino, is the Whisper Option required?
    (I want to disable it to keep the interface as simple as possible)
  • edited March 2007
    You can set $Configuration['INVITATION_SYSTEM_REQUEST_ON'] to 0 in /conf/settings.php
    Users won't be able to request you more invitation.
  • Aaah, so that's the purpose of the whispers. Good, well, they can email me... ;-).

    (Note: my problem was mainly that the text "whisper to (optional)" appeared in the new
    start a discussion screen if your extension was enabled). Thanks.
  • After installing and configuring the Invite Only extension, I get --- Fatal error: Call to undefined function: isvalidformpostback() in ../extensions/InviteOnlySystem/default.php on line 112. I'm running Version: 0.3.0.a ...hmmm?
  • Just wanted to say thank you for this extension.

    Of course, I haven't got it working yet.. but I'm already grateful. :)
  • The link doesn't seem to work....can anyone tell me were can i find an add on to apply an invite only system on vanilla 1.1.9
  • It's a very old topic. Dont think there is a way in 1.1.9. Atleast i havent found it. In v2 there is though.
  • This thread is really outdated . I have not yet found the solution for the Invite only system. And also the old Addon is not found .
  • Invite-only is possible with Vanilla 2 out of box. Maybe you'll need this plugin: to enable private community (visible for members only), if you need this.
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