Disabling email in Vanilla

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone. I'd like to know how you can disable email notifications in vanilla. I installed vanilla on a server without a mail server and my forums will only be using RSS to get people notified on changes. Is there any way to do this? Tnx in advance, Luis


  • E-Mail notifications dont exist by default in vanilla...?
  • hmm... i think they do cause i surely didn't enable them (at least not with that intention...). for instance, if someone applies for membership the system tries to send me an email. also if I approve someone or if i change someone's role...
  • Account >> Forum Preferences >> Receive email notifications when new users apply for membership >> Uncheck!
  • yes, it was off for me, that it, I don't receive emails when new users are registering. but they do... and also when they're approved. shouldn't there be a way of completelly disabling everything email-based?
  • Well if you installed vanilla on a server without a mail function then it wont send e-mails anyway..? I dont understand the problem.
  • By design, Vanilla will try to send an email notification out to your users and there's not much you can do to disable it.

    But mini is correct, if there's no MTA on the server it won't really matter as mail won't get out or be spooled otherwise. The only thing you may notice is your servers error log indicating that there's no known MTA installed and it attempted to send a mail message but failed. Other than that there's nothing to worry about, however without having a working MTA installed you will also not be able to retrieve your password if it's lost among other things...
  • indeed... only it does try to send the email and in the way it gives an error message because he can't find the MTA (and if there's an MTA it will eventually give a timeout error); that's why I was trying to disable the email sending by default. but if there's no way to disable it... thanks anyway guys.
  • If you don't want it to even try sending, just comment out the last line of the send function inside library/framework/Framework.Class.Email.php.

    Then it won't just sit there until it times out.
  • Another thing that could be done if you don't want to modify the core files is set up a script to fake the SMTP responses of a successful send.
  • Ahh, I wasn't aware that it would cause a delay due to the timeout. In that case, yeah WallPhone has the best suggestion.
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