Problems with IE6 / IE7
I've just installed vanilla forums and it works fine,.. unless somebody uses some version of MS Internet Explorer.
After a new post (or discussion) is written with IE the user gets a DNS error, but the written post is saved into the database.
Vanilla is hosted on Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, with MySQL 5.0 and PHP 5.2.
Any suggestions?
On request I can whisper the link to my vanilla test installation!
Sincerly yours,
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Do you have any other web-based applications on that server beside Vanilla? If other browsers are behaving normally and only IE is an issue with your server then I'd be lead to believe it could be anything. Given that Vanilla isn't perfect, it would still be a good way to know for sure to see if other apps can reproduce this kind of DNS error behavior on your setup.
Also are you running friendly URLs on the Vanilla installation?
I'm pretty confused about this issue too, to be honest. Has the forum ever worked for IE users? Do you know any IE users who it does work for? Proxy issues dont make sense if it also doesnt work on the localhost because then no proxies should take effect. Is there any chance you could whisper to one of us the forum URL so we can do a bit of investigation ourselves? Can you trigger the same error page with any other sites? (try just for the sake of argument
But I see that WallPhone figured out the error due to a malformed URL which IE was choking on and other browsers were hiding for whatever reason, good find guys
Just compared output from similar scripts on a IIS server and Apache. Apache (or its version of PHP?) inserts the missing space in the header, but IIS does not. Its apparently a combination of two bugs:
1. IIS allows you to send malformed HTTP headers.
2. IE sometimes doesn't know what to do when it recieves the malformed header.
Fix? Always make sure you have a space whenever you use header('Location:'');
Other places to fix?
settings.php line 43 (Strangely, IE redirects OK here)
categories.php line 22
appg/settings.php 228 (note that according to HTTP spec, the URL should be absolute, http:// and all)
library/Framework/Framework.Control.LanguageForm.php 68
library/Framework/Framework.Control.UpdateCheck.php 59
library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.DiscussionForm.php 115 and 154 (the two troublesome lines in this discussion)
library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.ThemeAndStyleForm.php 164.
Another thing to check is that GetUrl usually returns & for ampersands in URLs--XML compliant but not for redirections. Fixable by wrapping the result in a str_replace('&', '&', $Url). This isn't checked consistently.