Error: There was a problem authenticating your post information

edited July 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just installed the latest version of Vanilla, fresh. Did everyting I was asked. Made double sure permissions are set correctly. Adn no matter what I do (except login) I get this error message: "There was a problem authenticating your post information" Nothing is working. Nothing is allowed. I read the thread with this title from April but there was no solutions. What can I do? I am running php 4.3.3 with mySQL 4.1.2


  • There is a problem with the your php session settings. Where did you installed it? on a remote server (look on to the hosting document to see how to set correctly your php session - you can give me the name of the provider, I will look for you) or on a local testing one?
  • edited May 2007
    The hosting company is I did a remote server, of course. Where is the Hosting document? I don't see that on the documentation page.
  • I should read what I wrote before publishing it, sorry. I meant your hosting documentation (or Knowledgebase):
  • edited May 2007 I have to insert this code in EVERY page in this app? Or just the index page?
  • I think if you just put the session_save_path line into appg/init_vanilla.php that should do the trick.
  • Just to update this thread a little. I also use Fatcow and had the same problem. The session_save_path must go at the beginning of all the main PHP files... I just went through the folders and added this line into every PHP file that appeared to deal with some type of configuration, etc.. Pretty much every file in the appg directory and a couple others.. I noticed that each time I added it into a new PHP file a new portion of vanilla would start working properly. So, if you are trying to do something that is producing an authentication problem, then look for the PHP file that controls that and add the session_save_path variable in.
  • edited March 2008
    I have fatcow and the same problem too. but i deleted my cgi-bin/tmp file out of my server. how do i get that back? I also tried to put session_save_path in the top of all the .php files but nothing works could you send me a example of yours thnaks
  • edited July 2009
    ugh, how horrendous.

    Update: just spoke to the techn support and "I have updated the session.save_path for your account."
    so... testing it again now.
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