One more Browser...

edited October 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
We have one more browser to test our Vanilla with; Apple just released Safari 3 for windows XP and Vista.


  • Dinoboff, you beat me by 11 minutes!

    Now you can really see what you've all been missing in PC land!
    I am so thrilled for you I'm having a virtual drink on your behalf, cheers!

    Posted: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 9:29AM

  • Check out the manual resizing of the comment box! (in fact any form text box!)

    Posted: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 9:36AM

  • edited June 2007
    Awesome, it breaks every single site. Check how good it makes Vanilla look:

    Free Image Hosting at

    The worst thing is that the bugs look irrational. If I were to "fix" it, I would have absolutely no idea where to start. What would I do? Make all links "display:block"? I'm lost.

    It also does not recognize my scroll wheel (I totally can't browse without it).
  • It's called BETA for a reason... :)
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited June 2007
    That's not pretty.. I wouldn't try to fix that. If anything, a browser bug should be reported (just click the "Bug" button next to the address bar). Although I haven't had a chance to test it out yet, I'm pretty sure that Safari 3.0 knows how to render the layout properly, since Safari 2.0 has no problem (on Mac OS X at least). It's hard to tell from the screenshot, but I'm going to take a wild guess that there's a font issue going on there between Safari and your install of XP. Ditto what Lech said — that's definitely a beta issue.
  • Vanilla looks fine on the Mac version of Safari 3, as does every other site I have visited so far.

    Posted: Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 1:49PM

  • Yeah, I'm reporting all of it.
  • Someone let me know when the release version is available.
    And also convince my new employers to get me a macbook not a pc laptop.
  • I found that Safari was a bit slow to start loading the first page but after that it's OK. Just doesn't work in the way I'm used to. Ctrl-Enter doesn't happen. I wasn't expecting that. Apart from that. All looks good.
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited June 2007
    I'm posting using Safari 3 right now (on Mac OS X), and everything's looking good here on Vanilla. It seems like this version of Safari has fixed the problems with the AJAX effects on the Discussion Filters in the side panel. They used to get stuck, but now they act like they should.
  • Hey giginger, what magic do you expect Ctrl-Enter to do?

    Posted: Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 7:50AM

  • If I type gmail and then hit Ctrl enter then it should put the http://www. and .com either side. Works in every other browse Ive used. Of course, the enter button just gave up on this Tablet as I might have had a slight drinks leakage in my bag. I didnt realise how much I used that button until now. Backspace doesnt work either :(
  • What about https://, .net, .org.,,, etc...?
    Seems like something I could give up without too much stress.

    Posted: Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 9:59AM

  • To be honest, although i once discovered what ctrl-enter did, i never got into the habit of using it, and then i forgot all about it. I can imagine if i was used to using it all the time and suddenly i couldnt it'd be slightly annoying but it's hardly a huge feature imo. That said i'm pretty much into the habit of typing whatever url i want into google and assuming it will be the top result :)
  • I think for .org it's Ctrl-Shift-Enter but the only times I visit a site with any of those endings is by clicking a link. 99% of the site I visit are .com It's just one of those things you get into the habit of doing so I miss it when it's not there. I'm not going to be using Safari as a main browser anyway. I'm too entrenched with Firefox to swap and I found the fonts in it to be blurry.
  • I made one of those quick searches in firefox for google's "I'm feeling lucky" button. So now I just type "gl lussumo" and get fired off to the right place. Personally, I won't be switching away from Firefox because I'm not sure that I could survive without Adblock.
  • Yeah, some things I am missing are adblocking, mouse gestures, bookmark shortcuts & searches (I want to search from the address bar, I don't want to have to use some separate window), and some way to make all text less blurry.

    After that it might be totally okay to use. By the way, Vanilla looks just fine in Safari for me (using Windows XP).
  • @bjrn: "Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Font Smoothing : light" should help
  • hmm, I highly dislike the way apple has decided to completely ditch the standard UI and enforce their own, uglier and 'clunkier' (imho) version on users. they should at least give you a choice to revert to the current system theme. on a similar note, however, I find how they decided to use their own text-rendering algorithm rather neat; it makes for a more interesting browsing experience (at least, until the novelty wears off :-P ). then there are the miscellaneous bugs -- such as how it restores a maximized window -- and annoyances -- like its lack of full middle-button support -- but most of those can probably be attributed to its 'beta' release stage.

    I don't think it'll ever cause me to switch from Opera, but if they ever fix the UI then I'll definitely consider it as a possible alternative.
  • Full middle button support? I'm suprised they actually have right-button support!


    (I know, I know, control+click. I learned that trick weeks before it debued in Mac OS 8.5 while working tech support for Apple. So there.)
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