BBCode Question

edited August 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone have the list of all the codes for the Better BB Code by Joel Bernstein? I'm trying to create solid bullets but can't figure out how. Thanks!


  • Like this •?

    Or am I thinking of something different...
  • Exactly like that
  • edited August 2007
    Hold the ALT button and type in 0149 on your number pad.

    Or use the list feature in BB Code;

    [*] Item 1
    [*] Item 2
    [*] etc
  • I was trying the [list] command with the stars in brackets, but it wasn't working. Anyhow, I installed the html plugin and just used html to get the bullets. One last question...I hope. How do I create a sticky post? Is that in the options somewhere?
  • When your in the discussion there should be a link that says "Make this discussion sticky" on the left panel.
  • Thanks Chad, Appreciate the help!
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