WordPress/Vanilla (plus Janine)



  • chanzero:

    It looks like your Janine setup is working. If you see a new discussion after running the postback action then the problem is not in your Janine settings. Please double-check your WordPress ping settings. In the WP dashboard, click on "Options", then "Writing". At the bottom of the page under "Update Services" make sure you have an entry like this:
    Please check this URL carefully because if it's wrong you won't get any warning from WordPress.


    What chanzero is describing is the debug action you can perform to make sure your Janine settings are correct. First check your conf/settings.php file and make sure the postback setting is enabled, like this:
    $Configuration['JanineAllowPostBack'] = '1';
    Then in you can enter the debug URL in your web browser, like this:
    Apologies if you know this already, I just want to make sure I'm being absolutely clear.

    One more thing for both of you: In the "Update Services" list, make sure that your extension.php URL is the first entry in the list. WordPress will ping each URL in the order they appear and for best results, Janine should be first in line.
  • i have tried http://www.mysite.com/forums/extension.php as well as http://mysite.com/forums/extension.php on the first line but still no luck

    it seems the only way Janine posts is if i go to http://www.mysite/forums/extension.php?PostBackAction=JanineUpdate as a logged out user with $Configuration['JanineAllowPostBack'] = '1' -- if i have that set to '0' then it won't post the thread

    not sure if this helpful at all? but i just want to say even if i personally can't get Janine to work, i still appreciate all your efforts (as i'm sure those who are successfully using Janine do as well =)

    thanks again
  • First check your conf/settings.php file and make sure the postback setting is enabled, like this:
    $Configuration['JanineAllowPostBack'] = '1';
    Yes, it's set this way.
    Then in you can enter the debug URL in your web browser, like this:
    OK, I did this and it did create a discussion for the most recent blog entry. It did not create the link to it, however.

    I can live with doing it manually. Do I have to log out to force the PostBackAction? (Is that even the right terminology?)
    Apologies if you know this already, I just want to make sure I'm being absolutely clear.
    Please do not apologize for giving me the minutia. I need it.
    One more thing for both of you: In the "Update Services" list, make sure that your extension.php URL is the first entry in the list. WordPress will ping each URL in the order they appear and for best results, Janine should be first in line.
    I've got this:


    It's the only entry in Update Services.

    I'm so annoyed that others can get this to work and I can't! Augh!

    squirrel, thanks a ton for your help.
  • Has anyone solved the foreign charset issue? (There was a question but no follow-up.) My wordpress and Vanilla are both running in Cyrillic in utf8. I can translate the 'This discussion is...' line OK, but both the link and the title appear in some weird way (HTML-formatted or not). I gues, this has something to do with how wordpress sends out the data, but maybe not...
  • I'll do my best to check it out today. Can you give me a link to your forum?
  • Reviving this thread to ask a simple question: How do people who are using this fight spam? I'm on a ruthless spam fighting mission, using Akismet, Bad Behavior, and Lester Chan's Ban. I'm thinking seriously of supersizing my WP site and adding Vanilla to it (I've been on this kick for 2 years actually), but I'm nervous about zee spam. Grassyass in advance for your thoughts
  • Hello lynnlovestennis, my wife's name is Lynn and she loves tennis too!

    I don't use Janine but I do use Guest Post which, strangely enough, allows guests to post messages.

    We had a ton of SPAM initially, until my mate Minisweeper helped me integrate my CAPTCHA system which foiled the SPAM-bots immediately. I occasionally get a SPAM entry but it is obviously someone experimenting, trying to automate a SPAM attack, which is soon foiled and they give up.
    Feel free to try a guest post here. pic

    Posted: Saturday, 22 September 2007 at 8:47AM

  • edited September 2007
    Are you sure I'm not your wife, Wanderer? :)

    I'm admittedly a little leery of using captchas, and I'll tell you why: I tried out two different ones and for whatever reason -- perhaps conflicting with another invaluable WP plugin? -- they halted a bunch of my users from being able to leave comments. I only found out about it because someone was kind enough to send me a personal note and let me know.

    Perhaps I won't have the same issue with Vanilla, but I won't know until I try it out.

    And, how much traffic do you get? JC, since it will help inform my spam ratio.


    (Not) Your wife Lynn

    P.S. How'd ya get that adorable smilie? Me like!

    Editing to ask a few more questions I just thought of:

    1) Can someone share a working site where WP/Vanilla is integrated via Janine? I saw the author's test site, but I'd like to check out a full-blown working site.

    2) If said person can also share any frustrations (if any), that would be helpful. I don't want to undertake anything I can't chew.

    3) Wondering if I can somehow integrate Vanilla into Gregarius via Janine, if even just by a link.

    If you're unfamiliar with Gregarius, it's a web-based rss aggregator (www.gregarius.net), very cool, written all in php.

    Basically, all I'd want to do is give users the ability to create new discussions based on news stories they can click thru from Gregarius. If it's a matter of connecting sql db's (ie, a pain in the arse), it may not be worth it. JC tho. A few of us have asked in the Gregarius forums (which also use Vanilla!) but development on the appy has slowed down so it's unlikely. Figure I'd ask here. :)

    4) I have a #4, but I'll save it for now. :)

    Thanks again
  • Quote: lynnlovestennis
    pic I'm admittedly a little leery of using captchas, and I'll tell you why: I tried out two different ones and for whatever reason -- perhaps conflicting with another invaluable WP plugin? -- they halted a bunch of my users from being able to leave comments. I only found out about it because someone was kind enough to send me a personal note and let me know. pic
    My version is not really CAPTCHA, it works on the same principle but is actually a simple JavaScript, just enough to make it too much hassle for SPAMmers to deal with.

    Traffic is not huge, from 50 - 100 hits a day according to the stats.

    It shouldn't conflict with any other add-on and only an old browser or one with JavaScript turned off would have any trouble with it.

    Posted: Sunday, 23 September 2007 at 7:34AM

  • Ah, thanks W. Anyone else have a WP/Vanilla site I can check out? Thanks
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