install php file wants to save
Hello guys! I am very excited to get this working. I have been at it for 5 days now, and I can't get to the installer. I am using ubuntu. I am moving in a couple of months, and then I will start my own server and forum with vanilla. My plan was to install it on my computer here, and play with it to familiarize myself with it until after I move so I could have it up and running in no time when I get settled in my new place.
I unpacked the vanilla and used firefox to get to the installer php file, but the darn thing keeps asking me where to save it instead of opening. My php should be working because I opened the php test file, and to my untrained eye, it looks good- at least it opened! Is there an alternate way to install to my computer? Can anyone send me a link or in the right direction? I am pulling out my hair here. Thanks.
By the way, I love the look of Vanilla. Great work! It is streamline, effective, and hopefully easy to install??? :)
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<?php phpinfo(); ?>
If that (or nothing) is what you see instead of a huge list of settings when you open the file in your browser (with a url something like http://localhost/phpinfo.php), then Apache is probably not properly set up to parse PHP files.There are several articles out there on installing/configuring a LAMP stack on Ubuntu that would help you much more than I could. Another thing you may want to look into is XAMPP, which is a pre-configured installer for Apache, MySQL and PHP (The A, M, P in LAMP).
Try following steps 13-15:
Its been two years since I last did this, so I may not be much help... but will keep pluggin away :-/
- it look like the rest of your website;
- Build your feature;
- Strip off feature of classic forum app you don't really need.
For the security point of view, I don't if it is more secure, but if any security issue appear it is easier to fix since it is built an a clean api. If you use a lot of extensions, you will have to check if they are secure (at least for the less popular add-ons).
Also it seems, bots do not target vanilla.
I changed the script to return a 403 error code (which should be bot-understandable HTTP-speak for 'Go away') but the bot kept POSTing spam to a form that would not and simply could not save any of it. So I turned off the AddComments extension.
There are some features in Vanilla that make spamming slightly more difficult, but the major one is that the relatively few Vanilla forums out there make it a smaller target for bots to lock on to.
eg: if your document document root is /var/www/ and you put vanilla in /var/www/Vanilla-1.1.3, it will be http://localhost/Vanilla-1.1.3.