
edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This, i think is the last feature missing from vanilla+extensions, anyone fancy tackling it? I'd do it myself, but I cant program for sh*t.


  • we're still missing participated threads.. :(
  • edited August 2005
    for that, couldn't you just use, search, comments: nothing | all categories | Your Username And if you so wish, use the same makeup of the add tab exntensions to give your results quickly. eg:
  • for sigs, wouldn't we need to know the order that extensions act on the post first? or am i overthinking this?
  • ✭✭
    edited August 2005
    i requested signatures a while back at

    to quote mark:

    Oh man. Do I ever hate signatures. I purposefully left them out. What a waste of screen space. But if they really wanted it - you could enable the clipboard and they could set up a ton of different signatures on their clipboard and then just paste in whichever one they wanted when posting.
  • hehe, I see. When I say signatures, Im not talking a bit graphic for some gaming clan site, just a name/website/email link type thing.
  • yeah i got ya! i think a plugin that allowed for either a text link, and/or a banner ad, would serve everyone's needs.
  • Signatures are missing for a reason : Nobody likes them :)
  • yeah i know, but on some forums they are just part of the landscape, and people would get lost without them (check any forum to do with dance music for example). anyhows i don't really care anymore as the forum on my site has been ditched :-(
  • Vanilla Staff
    You're forum-less now?
  • well for a while yeah, it was a forum which only about 3 people were using, so we're going to relaunch it as a scottish-wide forum in a month or two possibly.
  • well, how about adding them to the bottom of the comment, faded out slightly over on the right; like the 'block comment' links.
  • for that, couldn't you just use, search, comments:

    nothing | all categories | Your Username

    that WOULD work reasonably well except that if you've done it you see the number one problem: the results are not UNIQUE. So basically you're almost there and it would be a probably very simple tweak to the SQL statement to make it work in a worthwhile way.
  • Personally I don't see a need for signatures, but I do like the idea of having an email / web address / IM kind of link next to a person's username in a post. Sometimes when they respond to something I want to break out the conversation to something quicker or instant.
  • I like the website link idea, not crazy about the email/IM thing. If I want you to have my IM I'll usually whisper/PM it to someone... not that its not listed on some other forums tho, lol. I've found myself diggin through a forums users before, when I am bored, just checking out their websites.. I guess sigs would all depend on the community. Like this one, I'd say they arent needed. But if I had a clan site or something I'd prolly want my little game clan sig logo thing down there. I dont know, maybe not. Kind of goes against the whole vanilla thing, no images anywhere (cept maybe a header and avatar icons), loads super fast.
  • I presume that in the next release, creating an extension for this might be easier give or take some core function. With the added "extension table" this should be more fun to code up. Without the need to dig through serialized arrays.
  • Just to comment on Mark's rant on sigs being a waste of screenspace. Uhm, someone forgot the HUGE RED BOX THAT SAYS "I'M A COMPLETE AND UTTER DOUCHEBAG" very much?
  • Thats why the role taglines are optional :P I dont think its quite so much the idea of SIGNATURES that bothers people - its the idea of what most people seem to have adopted as signatures on a number of forums - i.e. either stupid gifs, their uberleet pc information, a sign showing me my ip address (allbeit wrong) ..etc. A signature, taken back to basics, is your name. Which is ahead the post anyway. If you want to put a single line saying something productive (url, whatever) then i dont see an issue with that, but i think a lot of people feel the typical uber signature would detract from vanilla's ethos. That said, there's a reason extensions are extensions. :)
  • then again, that's what profiles are intended for :P
  • Yeah, I like the idea of the same kind of singature that you can use on your e-mail software. Plain text, very informative and no nonsense.
  • no nonsense? The signatures we *have* to use at work by law are full of complete and utter bullshit... i get your point though.
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