Signatures bug

edited October 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, I've got this message on my .../comments.php page : Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 23 of 60 bytes in /.../extensions/Signatures/default.php on line 73 Don't know what this mean !! Somebody can help ? Thanks


  • same- i get this too: Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 4 bytes in /extensions/Signatures/default.php on line 74 Anyone know how to fix this please? it idoesnt show on all pages, just some.
  • The preferences string of one of your users must have been corrupted somehow. Try to identify for which users the error occurs with and reset their preferences (either simply change one of their forum preferences or manually change it).
  • ok, many thanks :)
  • ok, thanks.
    Is there any "easy" way to find the corrupted string ?
  • needle in a hay stack
  • try to find the common user(s) for which the error appears, ie. what user(s) always are part of a discussion in which you get that notice.

    you could alternately write a little script to loop through the preference strings of users (in a particular discussion, mayhaps) and find which ones are corrupted.
  • edited October 2007
    I think I have found the (one of) user, but where is the signature stored in the db? I can't see it anywhere....

    [edit: dont worry- i just went to their account page in the fourm and updated it]
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