Theme designer wanted

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Are there any theme designers around here? I am wanting to implement this software on to my travel blog which is also getting a re-design at the moment. If you can help please either contact me via the site or leave your details and rates here. Thanks


  • What US$'s? The link you provided doesn't work :( Any other theme designers? I want to use Vanilla, but cannot find any designers.
  • The problem is that the Vanilla architecture is not comfortable for pure designers but rather for programmers and programmers like me do not feel entitled to submit for "design" stuff.
  • I agree with Max_B. It would be best for you to install it and try the existing themes and styles and then see which one of those is closest to what you want. Then you could work on modifying that. To start from scratch would be a lot of work as I know from first hand experience in trying to develop a brand new theme.
  • It's a delicate 3-way balance, having the "design" skills and aptitude to make a visually pleasing site with an intelligent and unobtrusive human interface as well as the technical know-how and experience to program and script under the hood.

    Not only a delicate balance but a rare one indeed, good luck.
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