Spell checker :D
I have to say: Vanilla looks nice to me. Have to install it the next weeks, as I do not have the time for this right now. :\
I have one suggestion for an extension that no forum/board has (that I know of): a simple spell checker! :)
I find this thingy amazing. Javascript to the rescue. Of course it needs aspell installed to work. But since it would be an optional extension for the ones who think they need it, this would be no real problem.
In the spell_checker.php file aspell is configured as follows:
//these three lines create and configure a link to the pspell module
$pspell_config = pspell_config_create("en");
pspell_config_mode($pspell_config, PSPELL_FAST);
$pspell_link = pspell_new_config($pspell_config);
So it could be even used to non-english boards, I guess. The client could send the neccessary language code to the server or the php file could determine it. Or the users could define their language in their account preferences.
Any suggestions? Is it too crazy to think about this? ;)
PS: I would like to have Text/HTML/Markdown with hints, what syntax is allowed to use etc. Especially since I don't know markdown yet. Textile would be great, too.
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actually, it's available in previous versions of mac os x. pre 10.4 didn't have the application called dictionary. dictionary is just another hook into this system wide spell checking.