Spell checker :D

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have to say: Vanilla looks nice to me. Have to install it the next weeks, as I do not have the time for this right now. :\ I have one suggestion for an extension that no forum/board has (that I know of): a simple spell checker! :) Demo: http://www.broken-notebook.com/spell_checker/index.php I find this thingy amazing. Javascript to the rescue. Of course it needs aspell installed to work. But since it would be an optional extension for the ones who think they need it, this would be no real problem. In the spell_checker.php file aspell is configured as follows: //these three lines create and configure a link to the pspell module $pspell_config = pspell_config_create("en"); pspell_config_mode($pspell_config, PSPELL_FAST); $pspell_link = pspell_new_config($pspell_config); So it could be even used to non-english boards, I guess. The client could send the neccessary language code to the server or the php file could determine it. Or the users could define their language in their account preferences. Any suggestions? Is it too crazy to think about this? ;) Regards Steffen PS: I would like to have Text/HTML/Markdown with hints, what syntax is allowed to use etc. Especially since I don't know markdown yet. Textile would be great, too.


  • I would like to add, that I think all parts of vanilla that use javascript, should use unobtrusive javascript. Other implementations are functional but out-of-date imho.
  • The topic of unobtrusive javascript has been raised and agreed to already in another discussion.
  • yes it has.
  • i raelly dont fink that a splel checekr woudl hepl mcuh.
  • i like the built-in spell checker in safari. i think, if you want a spell checker, you should just suck it up, or buy a mac and use safari.
  • >> Denied: i like the built-in spell checker in safari. i think, if you want a spell checker, you should just suck it up, or buy a mac and use safari. I agree. Get a Mac :-P But, it is NOT Safari that does the spell checking. If you have a look, this is a system wide setting, and not a browser specif feature. The applicatio is called dictionary and provides system wide hooks for other applications to use. While I would like to see a spell checker EASILY added to this softwar, I think it is a little big. The language files alone are (much) larger than Vanilla itself. IMO, if a user wants spell check, they should install a local dictionary, like the osx one, that allows you to right click a word, and check the spelling. However, as it has been pointed out in other discussions, if it made into an extension, then WE don't need to install it, therefore, not our problem :)
  • Yeah that's right. I could use the builtin Opera spell checker (uses aspell as well). I don't know if there are plugins in IE or Firefox for example. Therefore my question here about what you think of a javascript-implementation. ;)
  • http://www.iespell.com/
  • and for firefox: http://spellbound.sourceforge.net/
  • @nathan

    actually, it's available in previous versions of mac os x. pre 10.4 didn't have the application called dictionary. dictionary is just another hook into this system wide spell checking.
  • edited August 2005
    >> actually, it's available in previous versions of mac os x. pre 10.4 didn't have the application called dictionary. dictionary is just another hook into this system wide spell checking. well, thanks for that. I did not know. I have used macs for AGES, and from what I read on the tiger documentation, it was a NEW addition. I trust you however, and stand corrected.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Actually, there is also a PHP spell checking module available. I have no idea how (or how well) it works, but I read about it a while back.
  • i think it just highlights or presents you with a list of words that look like the incorrect word, this would work best on a preview or upon editing a post.
  • i remember that php solution being notoriously difficult to implement, but i can't remember why.
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