How To force the same style for two vanilla installs?

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have two vanilla installs on the same database sharing user tables, I'm trying to use the same theme for both, but when trying to set the theme for one, the other forum goes whacky and vice versa... So when i set the theme for one forum it works then i go and check the other and it's not, and a closer look at the header reveals that the vanilla.css file is throwing a 404... help??? wayne


  • can you go into your conf/settings.php page of the 2nd install and change your $Configuration['THEME_PATH'] to be the path to the theme of the 1st install you want?
  • K, i'll try that...
  • edited November 2007
    THis is weird, that worked perfectly for all "New" users except any previous registered users... Why doesn't it work for all previous registered users?
  • edited November 2007
    Have you tried on one of the forum to set the style for all user; on both forum, the style url will be /Forum1/themes/vanilla/styles/default/vanilla.css. Each forum will use their own theme files but the same relative stylesheet path.
  • yes, but u just gave me an idea :) let me see real quick..
  • Ok, i tried it on both forums, when i do the one that was right starts doing the same thing, so they like flip positions... not working...........
  • edited November 2007
    If both forum can't share the same stylesheet path, your user table will need two columns StyleID (maybe also their own style table, not sure).
  • But they can, that's what i'm trying to get them to do...
  • The problem is, it appears they are sharing the same path btw i set it up... But it only works for new users, the old users not working, and doesn't work for apply to all users either...
  • edited November 2007
    So basically, if you're an old user the new vanilla forum looks for the style sheet at /vanilla.css vs /north-carolina/themes/newstheme/styles/default/vanilla.css if your a new user or "Not logged in" /north-carolina/themes/newstheme/styles/default/vanilla.css is the right path that works, /vanilla.css is wrong
  • The second install is not using the same style table as the first, how can i force it too...
  • If they have the same settings in database.php, they should look at the same style table.
  • yeah, they do, and it's not seeming to work... :( this is very frustrating...
  • have you tried clearing cache/cookies/history and reloading the page? It's possible that the page you are looking at is simply cached. If it's working for new users, it should work for old ones since you are using the same path/variable.

    Additionally, you can try downloading a new theme and switch everyone to that to see if it works. I've had to do that before to reset my themes. I switch to the second theme for all users and then switch back.
  • Yeah, i've decided to delete the old install, and start with a fresh one...
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