Pear libraries

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How well is pear supported by hosting companies. If I use Pear calendar to generate month views, will it work flawlessly since it is dependent on other pear libraries to work


  • edited November 2007
    My experience with using a plug-in that relies on Pear is:
    1. My host had trouble supporting Pear and the required library module(s) directly
    2. They were helpful in pointing me to a way to install Pear on my own hosting account:
      create a PEAR directory in your webroot and chmod it 777 so that PHP can write to it. Then you can put this file in there and do a web-based install of PEAR:
    So, even if you use Pear, there should be a path for hosted sites to make use of it.
  • So its going to complicate things. I can see people complaining that the calendar doesn't work and will need help installing pear.
  • is their a way to detect is pear is installed and if yes than what version it is
  • I tried the following code with different successes. One should work for you:
    // check to see if PEAR is installed $x = get_include_path()."PEAR.php"; $z = substr(strrchr($x,";"), 1); echo $x."***"; //$y = print_r(get_defined_constants()); //echo $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; //echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/PEAR.php"; //if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/PEAR.php")) if (file_exists($z)) { echo "PEAR exists"; include ('Archive/Tar.php'); }
  • apparently their is a Pear_Info package that will give you all the information of pear and whats installed tried it on my local server, worked very well. someone with a live host should try it. Download Pear_Info package and look in the info.php file for an example code. copy past it in a php file and run.
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