how do i change the name of the folder my forum is?

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
how do i change the name of the folder my forum is without messing up the forum? i have done this b4 changing discussions to community but it gave me some error i don't remmeber what but does anyone know what i have to do or what files i have to edit to change my folder from discussions to community? thank you in advance


  • hi- im very new to vanilla..but i needed to change my folder that was holding forum so idid this: i duplicated ( on my server ) my forum folder /test/ /test_copy/ then named test_copy to the new name.. then i opened the settings.php file, in the new folder and changed all instances of the old address to the forum, to the new one ( i did it using bbedit-much faster) then i logged into my original forum , clicked on settings, clicked on application settings, and changed the following, to new folder address:( found at bottom ): Web-path to Vanilla Cookie domain Cookie path and saved.. then logged into my forum via new address.. and all systems seems to be woking perfect..... hope this helps
  • once in new forum, had to also go to settings, and page settigs and change the urls for tabs in each page.
  • oh i see thanks that helps umm so you did not loose members or anything?
  • tannerctannerc
    edited February 2008
    no- ity appears everything went over without a hitch- i sent an email to all users ( we r in beta mode so not many yet) and put up an announcment with the new address.let me know how it goes for you.
  • it did not work for me T_T i have my forum under the folder discussions i want it to be under folder community when i change the name of the forum i get many errors i don't know what files to edit to make the errors go away
  • Could you give us a live URL or is it still local? Or you can copy-paste the errors you get for us to help you.
  • umm well here is one :
  • bump sorry for the bump i need the help though T_T
  • conf/settings.php, about the first ten lines or so, it should be fairly obvious what to change
  • that is all i edit or is there something else too? thank you so much your help is greatly appreciated
  • ok so i did that and it worked but the extension 'smile' does not work
  • how to do this for the latest version of vanilla2? it has no conf/settings.php!
  • @cooloft Rename the folder and then go to the cache folder and delete the files in there. After that, you should be able to see it again.
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