latest post in each category

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
can we have such a thing
that to the right of the category there is some info of the latest post in that category

like this:
Free Image Hosting at
also if it is possible can we have a new color that indicated that a new post is in that category

is this possible?
can anyone do this?


  • You need to turn on HTML formatting.
  • Try the categories file I made for this issue
  • yeah i tried that but it does not really do what i want to do with it so maybe you could modify it or you could tell me what to change or some one else could help me out cuz i really need this ^_^
  • Can you please post a screen shot of your Categories page when you are logged in and not logged in? I would appreciate it.
  • it looks fine it looks like the way you designed it ( i think) but i just wanted it limited to being THE latest topic from each category to be displayed like the image i showed up there something like that
  • it would be pretty sweet if this addon made a new column to the right of the category name and description, like IPB forums and punbb have (punbb has like 3 columns actually, but you get the point, hopefully)
  • edited May 2008
    The idea is not to be "like" another forum software. In fact, it's to not be the same as them.
  • yeah i know that is why vanilla is so nice i just would like that specific feature
  • ...from other forum software?
  • (say what?) what from other software? the specific feature? yes, it is something every forum software has except vanilla and BBpress ( i think) there may be more
  • This feature always annoyed me, especially on busy forums where categories would have many new comments since my last visit. The best substitute Vanilla has is Discussion Overview which shows the most recent discussions (plural) in each category.

    Showing only the latest discussion in a category works on small forums, but it's not scalable.
  • I think some of my forums I run are small, so this would be pretty good for me. I am not too famillar with V2.. is such a thing available for V2?
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