Changed Path incorrectly, now permission denied to alter settings.php

edited June 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Argh! Just got everything up and running, then went to the settings tab and mistakenly altered the web path, now I can't upload the changes to settings.php to fix the problem. Getting a 550, permission denied error.


  • Upload using what? FTP?
  • Yes. I've tried many different ways, including from my server utilities logged as the administrator.
  • You'll have to modify the conf/settings.php file manually, and fix the path. Look for WEB_ROOT and BASE_URL to make sure they are set correctly.
  • This is what I am trying to do, but if I don't have permission to save the file, how do I do it?
  • get to the conf folder and list files "ls -l" so you can see permissions and owner of the file, maybe you discover something
  • I can't change the permissions. I think I'm going to have to reinstall.
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