[in progress] social-blog

The plan:
A multi blog extention or even changes to the core, the profile page will end up the actual "blog" for the user, I hope we can get it in the future to allow each user to have there own plugins.

as of this moment I have made the core changes that allow the profile to be the blog, I am now going to start work on the photo uploads/albums.

still alot to be done tho, including a properly working "friends" system, and messaging.

I am also looking to find a way to properly connect installs to each other securly to allow site admins to select if they want there own community or join there site to a much larger comunity.

If anyone wants to join in this effort just let me know, for right now its:

- atomicshockwave (me)
- timfire


  • Two days ago, I received a private mail asking for suggestion for how to use my CategoryRoles extension to do this, associated with schizo's blog extension. This thread might be from the same folk as I suggested to ask there.
    Here below is my mail reply:
    I think you should open a thread, separate from the main CategoryRoles one, on Lussumo forum, because some other folk can come with some suggestion. I wrote this extension some time ago for an application I had, but since I did not work much on Vanilla, even if I'm still present on the forum. So yes the learning curve is step and digging in is not easy.
    At the moment, I see no clue for fulffil your requirement, mainly because I never looked at schizo's extension. Tweaking mine to check the UserId is easy but how to relate it to the thread/blog?
    Maybe by looking at the Id of the original poster?

    Post to the forum, feel free to add my own answer (this one). I will follow it there, and jump in if I get more inspiration.
  • Maybe at the time of registration, a category for the user is created. The user would then (through the use of code from CategoryRoles see above) have exclusive permission to create discussions in their category. It would need special properties such that it wasn't displayed in the main category list, and instead embeds itself into the respective users account page (or maybe not? depends on the forum I suppose) such that they could create a new blog from their page. Then the "blog" pages would show info about the author of the blog (because in fact, it's their account page).

    just my two cents. take it for what it's worth.
  • edited June 2008
    Here's my take:
    1. First, I would create a single "blog" category.
    2. Then, I would allow the member to create a name for their blog (some sort of form on the Account page).
    • This would get stored as a column in the User DB table
  • Then, I would add a delegate that grabs the blog/category name from the original author of each discussion, as part of the original discussion DB query.
    • Join the Comment table on Discussion.CommentID = Comment.CommentID
    • Join the User table on Comment.UserID = User.UserID
    • Select u.UserBlogName (I forgot the User table is already joined automatically)
  • Then, I would add a delegate that swaps the "blog" category name for the user blog/category name (if that discussion belongs to the "blog" category).
  • Fairly simple. No need to mess with permissions & hundreds of categories.

    You could also create a filter for singling out an individual member's blog (since linking the "blog" category will bring up all blogs from all members).
  • @timfire that's a great idea... But if I understand you correctly were sill then left with the prob of anyone posting to anyones blog. Or do I not understand you properly?
  • edited June 2008
    Umm... let me double check what your goal was---
    • Every member has a their own blog that others can comment on;
    • Or, every member has their own blog that ONLY they can comment on (their own private discussion).
    I was assuming the former. Note the distinction between commenting on existing discussions (which anyone could do) and opening new blog-discussions (which only the blog owner should be able to do).
    atomicshockwave@timfire that's a great idea... But if I understand you correctly were sill then left with the prob of anyone posting to anyones blog. Or do I not understand you properly?
    My proposed scheme basically makes cosmetic changes and creates pseudo-categories based on who wrote the opening post. So even though it would technically be the same category, if I wrote a new discussion it would be displayed as "timfire's blog", while any new discussions posted by you would be displayed as "atomicshockwave's blog". It would be impossible for me to post a new discussion in your "atomicshockwave's blog" pseudo-category, and vice versa. (Note that you could also, potentially, display or change other "blog"-specific data as well.)

    One issue with my scheme, though, is that permission to comment on blogs would still be category-wide. So if Mark, for example, had permission to comment on "timfire's blog", he would also be able to comment on "atomicshockwave's blog" as well. There's no easy way around that (though it could be done).
  • yea... the comments thing is kinda a big deal... but otherwise sounds good! I wonder if we could use an alterd friends plugin to fix that issue tho...
  • atomicshockwaveyea... the comments thing is kinda a big deal... but otherwise sounds good! I wonder if we could use an alterd friends plugin to fix that issue tho...
    I've looked into this before and it'll take quite a bit of work. The functionality isn't so difficult---you create a table "BlogMember" with "BlogID" and "MemberID" columns, and you just search the table to see if a user is a member of the given blog.

    The pain comes with the various interfaces. You have to create a form for applying for membership, some sort of system for detecting applications, and another form for approving applicants. And you have to create some sort of system for users who just want an open blog where anyone can comment. It's doable, but a lot of work.
  • Ok so timfire and I are getting to work on this... at the moment we have most of the base code working, but is best described as an early alpha... but could probably still use some help if anyone is interested...
  • This discussion has been closed.