Terms of Service checked by default?
I've tried messing around with the code but I can't figure out how to have the Terms of Service checkbox checked by default on the registration page, or remove it completely?
I know it's something in people_apply_form_nopostback.php
Searching didn't produce much help. Any ideas?
I know it's something in people_apply_form_nopostback.php
Searching didn't produce much help. Any ideas?
This discussion has been closed.
'.GetBasicCheckBox('AgreeToTerms', 1, $this->Applicant->AgreeToTerms,'').' '.str_replace('//1', ' <a href="'.$TermsOfServiceUrl.'" onclick="PopTermsOfService('."'".$TermsOfServiceUrl."'".'); return false;">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('TermsOfService').'</a>', $this->Context->GetDefinition('IHaveReadAndAgreeTo')).'
'.GetBasicCheckBox('AgreeToTerms', 1, ForceIncomingBool('AgreeToTerms', 1), $this->Applicant->AgreeToTerms,'').' '.str_replace('//1', ' <a href="'.$TermsOfServiceUrl.'" onclick="PopTermsOfService('."'".$TermsOfServiceUrl."'".'); return false;">'.$this->Context->GetDefinition('TermsOfService').'</a>', $this->Context->GetDefinition('IHaveReadAndAgreeTo')).'
But then again, I guess there are a lot of smaller, personal forums in which this is not an issue.