How to add a menu system to Vanilla?

edited September 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi. This is a very basic question, and shows my newbieness I'm afraid: How do I add a menu system to Vanilla, that sits across all pages? e.g. a menu system similar to this forum : "Swell Blog | Documentation | Community" etc. Do I edit each of the main files by hand? (e.g. do I add my html menu code to index.php, account.php etc) Or: Is there a better way? Do I need something as complicated as a CMS system to do this?


  • edited September 2008
    I come from an ASP.NET background - in ASP.NET you just use master / detail pages. While browsing around the net I came across "PHP Dynamic Menu Tools". Is integrating something like this into Vanilla the way to go? Is there a Vanilla extension already made that can do this sort of thing? I couldn't find one... Hmm - a good idea for a first extension?
  • Oops - I think I just create a custom theme to do this.... (embarrassed)
  • Or a custom control--like this.
  • Thanks! I'll do that
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