Missing the 4 files in /conf

edited December 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, I just installed the latest version of Vanilla (1.1.5a) and it seemed to go well. Well... I tried installing some extensions. For some reason, when I clicked on the checkbox, they weren't actually activating. I did some snooping, and found that /conf/extensions.php can be where I can edit somethings. Well, I looked, and there are no files in that folder! I read the readme.txt file and it said there should be 4 files. There are none. Can anyone help me out with what's up?


  • You probably need to set folder permissions for the conf folder; you need to give Vanilla permission to create and edit files in that folder.
  • Any tips on how to accomplish that? Also, what do I need to do to regenerate those files since they aren't presently there?
  • Well once you figure out how to change the folder permissions you should re-install Vanilla, and that will create the files.
    I assume you are using FTP to upload the files to a web server, is that right? If so, what program? If not, what is your server setup?
  • If the forum is working (except for enabling extension) the 4 files must be somewhere; you would get the installation page if vanilla can't find these files.
  • Of course, silly of me to forget. In that case he probably is using FTP and forgot to download the folder contents from the server to his local machine.
  • Yep, all fixed. Re-installed. Thanks for the help guys!
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