edited January 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm new to vanilla, and I'm trying to set up my site, and I'm trying out various quote add ons.. so far they all quote with the html tags visible in the input box.. This is pretty annoying.. Is there an add on that allows the input box to be a WYSIWYG editor?

I've added "text mode switch 2.0" and that fixes the problem in the final post.. but not in the editor...

I would ideally like to have a full featured control bar that works with safari (using version currently on mac) as well as all other standard browsers, to alow quoting, formatting, justifying, image insertion, url link creation, font control, etc... all with the option of veiwing the html code or in WYSIWYG format...

Also, If I quote something that is already quoted, or has a smilies in it (vanillacons), the nexted quaote appears okay, but the smilie and ouside quotes appear as blockquote code...

any suggestions?



  • For some reason, even though the text mode extension is still activated, the selection switches below the input editor are missing... I've tried turning the extension on and off a coupe times but their still missing. and now, no matter which quote extenson I enable, the html code shows up in the final post...

    Any ideas?

    Also, I notice that with all quote extensions disabled, there is stil a qute link at the top of the previous post.. Is there a default quote feature in vanilla that has t be turned off somewhere?
  • I'm 'completely' lost as to why the text./html switch disappeared
  • edited January 2009
    Okay, got 'some' of my problems fixed...

    Using Quotation 1.6
    turned HTML formatter back on, and all is well.. quote nesting even works

    however, still would like to have a WYSIWYG input box, so that the html code is not 'visible' but is still there in the background... Is this possible via any other add ons?
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