Tortoise and Achilles: why you should sponsor our hitch-hike to Morocco [utter shameless plug]

edited February 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
[it must be very tacky of me to be so inactive yet post this... if you like you can delete it]

Tortoise   why, Achilles, I have come across a most singular observation!

Achilles   only one, Mr. Tortoise? what is this observation?

Tortoise   that, interestingly, there is remarkably little concern for others, outside peoples' personal lives. why, did you know that every other child lives in poverty?

Achilles   no, I did not!

Tortoise   yes, and most striking, is how little sleep is lost over this and similar facts.

Achilles   don't they care?

Tortoise   of course they care, they just don't know it.

Achilles   ?

Tortoise   people care about people, not so much ideas. it's easy for far-removed people to become vague ideas to others.

Achilles   that is most unfortunate! can we not do anything about this... 'impersonal problem'?

Tortoise   indeed it is! in truth we can do very little -- such global awareness is beyond the capacity of man.

Achilles   surely we can do something? couldn't we, perhaps, raise awareness by proxy? capture attention locally to direct it globally?

Tortoise   we could, and in fact that is exactly what many people do. the more rememberable and relatable, the better!

Achilles   hmm, so this may have promise... what things have people done?

Tortoise   oh all sorts; benefit concerts, charity fairs, publicity stunts, you name it. why, I know some people who are hitch-hiking across Europe to raise money for education in Africa.

Achilles   hitch-hiking! now there's a neat idea! and I hold education in very high esteem.

Tortoise   a wise stance to hold.

Achilles   say, I too have hit upon a singular observation! you'd say, right, that hitch-hiking must be tremendously adventurous?

Tortoise   naturally.

Achilles   ...and, would not improving education in Africa improve their standard of living?

Tortoise   education is no less than the bedrock of developed society!

Achilles   ...and, say, and couldn't altruistic delight be worth more than a few dollars?

Tortoise   often, indeed!

Achilles   my! this strikes me as a 'win-win-win' situation! if people here were to give a few dollars to this cause, everyone will come out on top!

Tortoise   how marvellous! there's absolutely no reason not to participate!

Achilles   yes! I think I shall even donate something myself.

donations much appriciated :-)


  • edited February 2009
    Good luck! Hope you have fun. Where are you starting from and how many days will it take to arrive in Morocco?
  • Best of luck to you!

    Two portuguese did this tour with two bikes and 1.000€ (for both!):


    They blogged the entire tour:
  • thank you very much for your donation Dinoboff! and thank you both for your wishes!

    we are starting in Edinburgh, and will hopefully end up in Morocco in ~6 days. we're meeting up next week to figure out a general route, where in Morocco we'll go and how we're getting back. it looks to be really fun!

    my mom almost had a heart attack when she heard about it though... :-P
  • I could probably give you a lift somewhere through yorkshire if that counts as a donation?! does pre-booking hitches void the concept? :D
  • haha, sure why not! though I wouldn't be worried about voiding the concept so much as fixing a time/place; hitching isn't terribly reliable :-P but if you want we might be able to meet up somewhere.
  • haha. well if you let me know roughly when you might get here i'll just start driving round...
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