htaccess ?

edited February 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi everyone ! I have a stupid question as I'm really bad at programming .. Can I add a page in my site (independent from vanilla forums) but , protected with the same forum password , and the visitor should sign in (to forums) to see this page ? if this page must be created in the forum root , no problem.. the idea is clear enough ? if so , is it possible ? how can I do this ? thanks !


  • This can be done but the .htccess file will contain the same password for everyone, surely that's not what you want?

    Posted: Monday, 16 February 2009 at 6:48PM

  • no ! if a visitor come across this page , he will see a login page , like he must register to my vanilla forum to access that page .. if he is a registered member , he will login with the same password he uses in the forum not possible ?
  • Help plz
  • Mate I still don't see how what you want is any different to the way things work as they are?

    I definitely don't see how a .htaccess file fits in.

    Posted: Sunday, 22 February 2009 at 3:10PM

  • oh ; no , just consider my idea ; how to do that ? forget about the htaccess file ..
  • if this page must be created in the forum root , no problem...
    Yes it must.

    if he is a registered member, he will login with the same password he uses in the forum
    How is what you are asking different to this though? You'll need to be clearer mate, I'm sure it makes perfect sense in your head but not out here where the rest of us live :-)
  • I think what Toon wants is to add another page to his site that is NOT a vanilla page, but protect it with the same login (so page is not accessible unless the user is logged in). If that's indeed the case, the easiest thing I can think of is to install the PAGEMANAGER add-on, then add a new page, paste the HTML or PHP code in the field, and allow access to this page only to authenticated users.
  • That's what I was going to suggest but surely a PageManager page is still within the Vanilla structure.

    Any way it's done, it will surely need to access the database?
  • exactly TomTester , thanks .. so if I have to use the pageManager , the page that I will create must be in the forum root (of course) ? ok then no problem .. Wanderer : "Any way it's done, it will surely need to access the database?" I'm not sure that I'm following ? sure it will need to access the database ! anyway thanks a lot ..
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