
edited May 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
if i were to download lussumo forum. do i need my own website?


  • edited May 2009
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    Sorry man your question doesn't even make sense or someone would answer it for you...Vanilla is a forum...which is a "type" of website. And yes, you need your own hosting to be able to run a Vanilla web site.
  • Maybe you should chill out a little. Just some friendly advice. Noone here is getting paid to stick around...
  • sorry im just really anxious.. can someone please help me set one up? i will be forever grateful! cuz the download wont work on my computer. can someone download it, than just get it on web, send me a link than make me the admin
  • edited May 2009
    Check out the Server Requirements. You must have a web server that satisfies these requirements.
  • alright, i meet those. but i download than i just get a bunch of files.
  • yap, you should upload them to your web server using an ftp client
  • how do i get an ftp client?
  • TexTex
    edited May 2009
    @jn244: Have a look at the step by step help section:
  • @jn244, if all you have is the name (as mentioned here: Please #3), you will need to buy hosting behind it. There's dozens of options and ways to do this. If you're eager to do this yourself, I suggest you read up on a few things and experiment with uploading basic HTML pages to your new website.

  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited May 2009
    I don't think you should be attempting to install a self-hosted forum...either that or you should learn basic web development skills first.
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