Photoshop Workspace Quick Question

nickbnickb New
edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've somehow managed to f*ck up the background colour of Photoshop's workspace!

And its driving me mad - it's bloody bright pink!!!

Anyone know how to revert it back to the default?! I have no idea how I did it.



  • but the question is, what were you doing playing with bright pink colours in the first place? Is there something you want to tell us, nickb?
  • No!

    Unless my subconcious was trying to tell me something! It's quite embarresing actually when clients come to look at a mockup and are shown a big pink screen!
  • Edit > Prefs > Transparency & Gamut :D
  • No - its not the transparency that pink.

    It's the normally grey area around the image. When you pull the corner of the image to expand its containing area - you normally have a grey background. Mine is pink. And I DONT KNOW WHY!!!!!!

  • Ok, yeah, that is pretty damn weird if you ask me. I thought for a moment that it was your grid, I didn't take the time to notice the actual image so I figured it had to be that. No clue what's going on there but I couldn't find any setting on my end that would do that to the grid and it's outside border ._o
  • Choose a foreground color, select the paint bucket tool and Shift + click the area outside the canvas.
  • Is the pink on a seperate layer?

    Oh well.. use the magic wand tool and click in the pink area. Paint bucket to fill the area to suit.

  • damn marti, I was totally unaware of that option. I'll have to remember that for future reference if I'm ever dealing with edges sharing the same color as stuff inside my canvas.
  • that's awesome, i'm going to change the background on a friend's machine...
  • He's going to hurt you. :D
  • Just as I had lost all hope, Marti saves me from HELL!

    Thanks so much - now to terrorise every other photoshop user I know...
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