Garbage left over from extension..?

I tried a blog extension but removed it, and have Latest Discussion installed. Now in my Roles the admin (only) has some garbage options at the bottom of the list. They are; LD_PERMISSION_CONFIG PERMISSION_CANBLOGALL PERMISSION_CANBLOGTHIS PERMISSION_BLOGPROFILEHTML Any ideas as to how to remove these? I did deselect the blog mod before removing it from the /extensions folder, by the way. Also, I have an option at the bottom of the list; Allow use of the cleanup extension. What on earth is this?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Those values are saved in the "Permissions" field of the LUM_Role table in a serialized array. As such, they're kind of a pain to remove unless you do it programatically. The plugin really should have had some kind of method for removing them, but it sounds like it didn't. There is really no harm in just leaving them there, but I can understand that it might be annoying.

    I don't know about the cleanup extension you mentioned.
  • I don't know either what this cleanup extension is, but it actually appears also on my install
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