Shoutbox best option?

edited May 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey folks, I'm new to using vanilla and was wondering what the best option for a shoutbox on my site would be? I actually currently use SMF but I'm integrating Vanilla in to a framework that uses similar hashing so here I am. I have been using Yshout on my SMF forum which works great but I see the add-on here doesn't work... it floods your browser with non existent JS rubbish and crashes the browser. I would prefer the shoutbox to only be used by registered members but still viewable to guests... I did look at PFC but that's only available on a single page. I would like to have the shoutbox / chat viewable on each page. Could someone point me in the right direction for a shoutbox or chat add-on that only allows registered members to post in? Thanks!


  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    I have just the thing you're looking for...first go here and register for a free shoutbox (it's very lightweight and easy to use) Then, install the Nuggets extension and copy the shoutbox into a sidebar nugget. Voila! If you want to see a demo check mine out at
  • edited May 2009
    Hi Raize, I did see this add-on and checked the site out yesterday. How does shotmix allow only registered members of your site to use the shoutbox? I don't want to ask members to sign in, enter a username or register elsewhere to use the shoutbox. I simply would like a user to sign in to the forum then be able to post something in the shoutbox with as little hassle as possible. Is that possible with this add-on? Thanks.
  • Has anyone managed to integrate Yshout with Vanilla at all? Seems like the best free solution about and if it works with SMF I'm sure it can be made to work with Vanilla. I will try myself but I'm already quite busy creating a community site for 1500 members so I don't know how much time I can spend on it. Any other ideas?
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    Well you made it sound like login system integration is very important to you so I would think that you would find the time to try it...considering it's part of your "community site."
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